Wednesday, February 04, 2009

UN Gives Assistance to Hamas

Hamas police 'seize aid for Gaza'

They're not police. They're terrorists.

Hamas policemen have seized thousands of blankets and food parcels that were meant to be distributed to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, UN officials say.

A UN spokesman said policemen raided a UN warehouse on Tuesday after officials refused to hand over the aid to a Hamas-controlled ministry.

Hamas is hungry. And they have guns. And you don't. Thanks for bringing lunch for them.

However, he said his ministry was in dispute with the UN relief agency about how aid should be distributed.

He accused the UN of giving aid to local groups with ties to Hamas opponents.

We don't like you giving that food to just anyone. We want you to give it only to our supporters, we don't care if the other guys go hungry. Let them starve to death !

Anyone who brings food into any camp anywhere is guilty of providing material assistance to Terrorists (or the governing dictatorship , or whatever , they all look and act the same) it's just that simple. They have guns, they're gonna come and take it. You're saying one thing but doing another. You claim to be feeding the oppressed but you're only feeding the murders who do the oppressing. And this happens so often that you can no longer honestly say that you don't know it's gonna happen.

You are supporting the regime and insuring it will never fall. If they run out of food, they'll raid the camps and let those people starve. The oppressers will never starve, they will never get booted out of power, but they will insure their political enemies, who are typically the ones you came to feed, don't get a single grain of dirty rice.

Business as usual at the Congress of Dictators.
Business as usual at the UN.

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