Monday, February 02, 2009

Seek Canadian exemption to U.S. protectionism: Liberals


The Liberals say it may be too late to scuttle the "buy American" provisions in the U.S. stimulus package and want Stephen Harper to lobby for a Canadian exclusion clause.

And while you're at it , can you lobby the Sun to start coming up in the west ? My window faces the wrong way and I never see the sun in the mornings so I need that changed too.

Yeah right.

We all watch too much American TV.

We all know too much american slang.

We all follow waaaay too much american politics.

And we all tend to forget one simple fact.

We're not americans. And the American government is not obligated to protect us. In fact , considering it's obligation to protect it's own citizens, you might even say that it is obligated to protect it's own people and to heck with everyone else in the world.

And we're part of everyone else. In case you forgot that simple fact.

There isn't going to be any canadian exclusion. Their actions in the software lumber dispute pretty much make the point crystal clear that if they want protectionist measures, we're victem number one, we don't get an exemption. We get targetted as the prime supplier of ...whatever. Wood , steel , manufactured goods , what not. Because we are the primary supplier. We don't have to ship it from the other side of the world we can just ship it down the road one or two hundred miles by truck. Easy , cheap.

I don't know what we should do , or where the numbers balances out or when we should retaliate with protectionist measures of our own.

But I do ,know , we aint getting any kind of exemption. This is a liberal game , a demand for the impossible so they have an escape clause to crash the government any time they like.

Just like the Bloc Quebecois do.

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