Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rogers Raises it's Fees (and hides the "system access" fee )

Rogers Wireless drops system access fee

Rogers Wireless has announced that, effective October 5th, it will be ending its $6.95 System Access Fee for all new customers.

In its place Rogers will be increasing the base price of all plans by $5 a month and be introducing a new Government Regulatory fee which will vary based on government fees in the province customers live.

You're dropping one fee and raising the prices on everything to cover it.

So you didn't actually drop anything , you just shuffled it around.

The regulatory fee on Voice Plans will range from $2.58 per month in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec to $3.46 in Newfoundland and Labrador.

And at the same time you're introducing a new fee that is at least 2.58$. So 5$ +2.58 = 7.58 increase , minimum, to replace a 6.95$ fee that you're dropping.

So you're raising the fee's not dropping them.

Rogers says the price changes are expected to be revenue neutral which means the amount of money Rogers collects from all of its customers will be about the same. Individual customers signing up after October 5th may see slightly higher or slightly lower prices depending on which province they live.

Rogers obviously can't add up it's own numbers. Plus the government stopped charging companies for the system access fee ages ago so that's going straight into rogers pockets not the governments.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm such a special kind of guy

Article = none, personal experience.

Before we begin I need to clear up two points.

One. I'm a guy. What lies between my legs lies between every ordinary guys legs. This becomes important shortly.

Two , why do they call it "Little Timmy" ?

I had an itch down there. But I'm on anti-biotics, so it couldn't be much right ? Right ? So I put up with it and hopefully it would go away. Two or three weeks, probably way too long , and it didn't go away.
Finally went to the clinic across the street. It had just openned up and the wait wasn't very long, unlike the old clinic that had up and moved.

So I go in , do my time waiting , and then see the doc. He says to me two words.

Yeast Infection.

Which of course, is considered a womans only disease , though certain un circumscribed men can fall victem to it (I"m circumscribed).

And I say to him five words.

I'm gonna kill my wife.

She just had it. Guess where I got it from ? So he perscribes some medicine and admits yeah it was probably my wife, and yeah it is very very rare for a man to get it , and I head off to the pharmacy to get me some meds.

And the Pharmicist wants to talk to me about "my wifes" problem. And he wants to explain to me how to use the applicator to insert the medicine deep inside. And I cut to the chase and tell him it aint for my wife it's for me. And he says but men don't get this disease.

I know. I feel so special.

No really , there must be a mistake somewhere.

I know. The doctor told me. There's no mistake.

By then we were both laughing like idiots.

So I take it home and I look at this tube of gunk, this weird looking applicator , and these instructions with drawings of butt naked women all over them. "Wow...this is excellent pornography !"

My wife tells me to hush.

I go in the bathroom , do the deed (without the applicator) , and then come out. Tell my wife "Now I feel like a real woman. "

She has no sense of humor.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Obama Meeting Democrats to Plan Health Strategy


With a sense of growing horror, I wonder if I'm reading some science fiction novel about some evil demented alternate universe, or if this really is our news and they really mean it.

Mr. Baucus’s plan would also expand Medicaid, starting in 2014, to cover millions of low-income people, including many childless adults who never qualified before.

You mean you don't know ? If you're poor , they just let you die ?

But Jocelyn A. Guyer, co-executive director of the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University, expressed concern. “Low-income people without children tend to have extensive health care needs — higher rates of mental illness, physical disability and chronic conditions,” she said.

It's too expensive to treat them ! we should just let them die !

But remarks by the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, on the flight to Cincinnati reflected an effort by the White House to play down the importance of a public option to the larger overhaul. Mr. Gibbs said a public option would not affect most Americans — up to 180 million — because they already have insurance through employers.

180/300 is not "most" , its slightly more than half. Are you telling me that a hundred and twenty million people in america have no health insurance ?

“If House leadership presents a final bill that contains a government-run public option, I will oppose it,” Mr. Ross said in a statement issued Tuesday, the Associated Press reported.

So this whole "limited life time benifits paid out" and "Type One Uninsurables need not apply" that private insurance companies have should be the way it goes ? If you get truely sick they just punt you to the curb and thats a good thing ?

“I’ve got a question for all those folks who say we’re going to pull the plug on Grandma,”

you offered free health care and I still cant believe they accused you of that.

“What’s your answer? What’s your solution? And you know what? They don’t have one. Their answer is to do nothing.”

Actually , their answer is "we like it the way it is right now where we get to punt people to the curb when we've bled they dry of every penny and make room for the next victem"

I can't believe this is really happening.

But it is.

American Health Care.
Capitalism at it's finest.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Butt ban debate reignites


You can’t do it at work. You can’t do it at school. You can’t do it at bars. You can’t do it in your car — at least not in front of the children!

In a few Ontario municipalities, including Arnprior, you can’t even do it on the beach or at the park.

I despise spoon fed pap. This article makes it look like the poor hard put upon smokers are so persecuted.

And the thing I despise the most ? There's no section for reader responses. There's no place to fire back and tell them you disagree with them.

There's no place to tell them about all the times before the smoking ban how people would sit down beside you , in the nonsmoking section , and lite up. And when you ask them to put it out this is the non smoking section , they refuse, And when you ask the staff to enforce the non smoking signs, they just shrug and walk away. Not once, but many many times. Personal experiance.

I really don't want to hear about how enforcing non smoking is bad for business , how most businesses are attempting to attract the business of groups of people , not individuals, and in any group of three or four there's bound to be a smoker , and you don't want them going across the street to some place that allows smoking while you do not.

"It's the way the business works, son. You have to accept it." is probably one of the most irritating phrases anyone has ever said to me by way of explanation as to WHY HE'S RIPPING ME OFF ! (or subjecting me to second hand smoke or unsafe products or other nonsense like that).

It is the business of the government to make rules like the smoking bans, and enforce them on all. Before that ban came into effect , every single place in ottawa , I mean EVERY single place in ottawa , allowed smoking.

Such rampant capitalism at the expense of peoples health cannot be permitted. It is the job of a government to put curbs on that kind of thing.

Dilbert and Microsoft


Enough Said

Skeptical Shopper: The Pros and Cons of Buying E-Books


When Amazon recently removed copies of George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm from customers' de­­vices and digital lockers,...

So you got this computer tablet which can display books. But the books are all in a computer format , and their locked to a fair thee well so you cannot transer it to your computer , and if you leave the device, the Kindle behind because you hate it , you lose everything. At 10$ a pop. you could lose hundreds of dollars for decided to ditch the kindle.

To this we now add that Amazon.com , who owns and makes the Kindle, reserves the right to go into your device , which apparently isn't really yours, and do anything they like. Starting with erasing entire books.

You can bet you "private" collection of books is public knowledge to their sales department.

Plus it's 400$ for a Kindle and only 200 or 300 for a real computer (netbook) that can do that job and much much more.

Plus Amazon dot com is a USA company. If some religious wackos (anti-evolutionary George W Bush comes to mind) gets into power , thats gonna be so tempting to order amazon to erase stuff they don't like. They'd never do it on paper books, thats unenforcable , but electronics, just order some company to run a program they already made ...tempting tempting tempting ....

This is classic Vender Lock. Buy from us and no one else, and we screw you and how. And you gotta pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars to get out (in this case you lose every 10$ book you bought from them) .

People have done wonders with a simple book shelf and real books, hard cover or paper back. This kind of Kindle scam , well, I think we should stick with the real stuff for a while longer.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Liberal election plans full steam ahead despite improving economic figures


Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff isn't taking his foot off the accelerator towards a federal election, despite more promising economic news Friday.

In fact, Ignatieff seemed even more determined to bring on a federal election this fall.

He said Parliament has become unworkable due to the Conservative government's my-way-or-the-highway approach.

"Finally you think ... take the highway," Ignatieff told reporters in Vancouver.

His comments came on the same day figures were released saying the Canadian economy created more than 27,000 new jobs, which helped boost the Canadian dollar 1.38 cents to 92.02 cents US.

Yep yep yep. More Liberal Libel.

First , blame the conservatives for the economy taking a dump even though the newspapers are full of stories pointing out it was the banks in the USA.

Second, the economy is starting to recover , so you blame the conservatives for ... umm..what is it you're blaming them for ? Not too clear on that point. Something about ignoring your ridiculous claims to let people work only one day in five and unemployment insurance will somehow magically pick up the tab for the rest.

King Iggy wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the behind. There is only one rhyme or reason to his actions. And that is that he wants to be King of Canada at any price. Even if it means trashing the country. As long as he gets to be King, thats ok in his eyes.

Oh yes, and his latest promise about not raising taxes ? Every single politico who made that promise, no matter what party they're with , they've always broken it. The only exception would be some minority government who was toppled real quick and didn't have time to do anything but be a flash in the pan.