Thursday, February 05, 2009

Liberal Budget Plans : Crush the Little Guy


The Liberals have already started to force cuts in public services, he added.

The government has made it illegal for hospitals to run deficits, forcing them to slash jobs and services to balance their books, Thomas said.

So if you get sick , too bad for you. It's too expensive to treat you.

The Liberals, who have often boasted about bringing labour peace to Ontario after the tumultuous years of former Conservative premier Mike Harris, may also be headed for job action in the province's schools.

The government settled a contentious 12-week strike at York University last week by legislating teachers back into the classroom - a move some say may have soured relations with unions in the midst of negotiating new contracts.

We brought peace to the Labour market. By giving them the Trudeau Salute and legislating them back to work !

And the Liberals helped in job creation by throwing some money at the big three auto makers to continue making cars no one can afford to buy. I believe they took the money , shut down all the factories, and bugged out the moment the check cleared.

Perhaps the back to work legislation was a neccesary evil, we Ottawans just came off a nasty 51 day bus strike and those two sides were totally at odds with each other. But still there is a definate pattern here of crush the little guy give money to corperations. A pattern that seems to belong souly to the Liberals. (in this case the Ontario Liberal Party)

You think people are going to stop getting sick just because there's a recession ? I don't think beating on the hospitals is a good idea , right off the top. If you're going to spend money to make work for people , you should be giving it to organizations that can't pocket it and run (like the big three). Hospitals arn't particularily mobile , I've noticed, and their clients don't move around much either. Maybe you should be hiring more workers there than at the car factory ?

But of course, the Hospitals arn't giving the Liberal Party kick backs like the auto companies are, so they're your political enemey, so crush them.

Until your kid gets sick.

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