Sunday, September 23, 2012

Morsi: Egypt will not be dictated by US rules


US unpopular in region because of its 'very clear' biased position towards Israel, Egypt's president tells New York Times.


Morsi criticized U.S. dealings with the Arab world, saying it is not possible to judge Egyptian behaviour and decision-making by American cultural standards. He said Washington earned ill will in the region in the past by backing dictators and taking "a very clear" biased approach against the Palestinians and for Israel.
"Successive American administrations essentially purchased with American taxpayer money the dislike, if not the hatred, of the peoples of the region," he told the paper in the interview published late Saturday, drawing a clear distinction between the American government and the American people.

 Reading this article is fascinating. The realization that this person who is the president of a nation has very different thought processes than we do.  It is an unquestioning part of his belief system that Israel is evil, and by extension anyone who helps Israel is evil. It is an unquestioning part of his belief that if you're not a muslim , you are scum. And he is now tired of treating scum as if they were real people. He's sick of it ,and he's not going to do it any more.

Oddly enough , he's not sick and tired that his religion is broken into three major factions, and they're all at each others throats. He's not sick about his own people living in poverty under one corrupt regime after another, when the solution (democracy) is staring him right in the face.

And he's not sick and tired that this religion he is defending meets the definition of Evil. It murders innocent people (it's own worshipers, wrong faction matter what faction you are, you're the wrong faction to someone and you're going to get murdered by someone). It lies to it's own people. It claims Mohammad the prophet can see into the future (Hadiths , or sayings of the Prophet , that quote things that could not possibly have been known during his life span) despite the fact that Mohammad states in his Koran he is just a man when he isn't possessed by the spirit of the angel Gabriel.  That he can't even read and write without Gabriel possessing him (thus all Hadiths , which were never written down by Mohammad , are highly suspect).

Even if you accept their viewpoint that they need not keep faith with the faithless, that only Islamics count, they've been murdering and going to war with each other for decades.

But he's not sick of that.

He's only sick of it , when someone thinks they shouldn't step on their turf, when someone thinks you can piddle in your own pond and do whatever you like over there , but don't bring that mess over here.

That would be the only time he's sick of it.

Of course, he cannot see his own hypocrisy. If Hypocrites could see , they wouldn't be Hypocrites after all.


Aurora shootings: Survivors sue owners over security


Three people injured in the Colorado theatre massacre in June are suing the cinema owners over inadequate security.
Cinemark USA "failed to provide for the safety and security of its theatre and its patrons," the lawsuit says.
Measures "would likely have prevented or deterred the gunman from accomplishing his planned assault on the theatre's patrons", it says.

 Some minimum wage employee (ha ! like a minimum wage actually exists in the USA) left a door open , is the basis of the lawsuit.

Why are they suing the theatre for some crazy gun man shooting the place up ?

Because suing the NRA wouldn't work.

Because suing every tom dick and harry that sells guns and ammo to anyone who wanders by wouldn't work.

Because the gun industry is so huge down there that they routinely spend millions covering up any reaction to someone dying because of their products, accuse you of having a political agenda, etc etc etc.

Because suing the movie theatre for one of their low paid employee's going on a smoke break might actually work , but suing anyone else wont.

Work at winning the law suit and getting money for the complaintants that is. I won't do a thing to prevent the next maniac who's decided to shoot some place up with a gun.

They say Quebec is an occupied nation of the Hells Angels. Well, I know for certain the USA is an occupied nation of the NRA. And they're not going to let go of that place no matter how many innocent people die.

There's just too much money to be made.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Outsourcing Goes Crazy

The workplace of 2025 will be wherever you want it


Ever wished you'd never met your boss and your colleagues were holograms?
Within less than a generation, it might be the norm.
The prospect of working with people you'll never actually meet and communicating with virtual colleagues are two of the potential scenarios identified by leading thinkers into how workplaces will evolve by 2025.

 Yadda yadda yadda , soon we'll be working from home and telecommuting everywhere. 

Where is home ? 

I will tell you. 

Home is wherever the lowest wage earners are. That means China. That means India. That means The Philippines. 

It does not mean the USA , or Canada , or most of Europe. 
This article , true as it is, isn't warning us of an incoming blessing. It's warning us of an incoming disaster. 

I remember seeing a breif ad like this from the 1930's. Capitalists would invest in manufacturing, workers would push a few buttons and mostly sit around doing nothing , items would be produced by mechanical robots, every one prospered. 

What really happened, of course, was that the workers didn't sit around doing nothing. They got fired. 

Virtual Office's are good for the Chinese. They're not good for us Canadians. The few people that have to be on the ground doing the repairs will be bossed over by cheap people from dollar a day countries. And then even that will vanish as the "on the ground" people are replaced by remote controlled robots. Remote controlled from the Phillipines. 

So how are we going to be able to afford all these services if we can't hold a job , because some guy in China , for a dollar a day  , is remote controlling a robot over the internet and has kicked us out of work ? 

We need "Protectionist" Legislation. We all do. There's a difference between letting forieners have a few of our jobs and we have a few of theirs , and letting them have all the jobs and leaving us with nothing. Thats just not going to work out.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Iranian university bans on women causes consternation


With the start of the new Iranian academic year, a raft of restrictions on courses open to female students has been introduced, raising questions about the rights of women to education in Iran - and the long-term impact such exclusions might have.
More than 30 universities have introduced new rules banning female students from almost 80 different degree courses.
These include a bewildering variety of subjects from engineering, nuclear physics and computer science, to English literature, archaeology and business.

 Thank you Iran for volinteering to cripple your work force.
While you have 74 million people and are trying to battle a nation with more than 300 million (the USA) , so you're already crippled, deciding to add to yourself an extra handicap of excluding women from being scientists and engineers means your population weighs in as if it were 32 million , compared to the american 300 million where females may be engineers.

In short, you have the population resource base of Canada , since you've deligated all woman to be stay at home mom's , and you're trying to take on the whole world in the name of your religion.

Truely , I am inspired by your faith and dedication.

Though perhaps not your intelligence.

Thank you kindly.

Uncle Sam is Watching You (Face Book Pictures)

Facebook: The challenges ahead for the social network



Facebook's acquisition of facial recognition software is concerning from a privacy perspective for two reasons.
First, it is unclear what Facebook intends to do with the facial recognition data collected. has stated that its database includes over 30 billion face prints. 
The United States government regularly asks for copies of all photographs in which a user is tagged when it issues a warrant to Facebook. And government agencies in the States and abroad that are building out facial recognition databases have an interest in acquiring as many face images as possible. and Facebook's combined data could become a honeypot for government if Facebook doesn't take steps to protect it properly. 

 In other words, Big Uncle Sam is watching you.
It is a trueism that if information is gathered, for even the most innocent of purposes, the Lawyers will issue supena's to get it and use it in law cases. Use it to build no fly lists , use it to deny insurance claims , use use use in a million ways you never intended when you put up that photo of Uncle Bob barfing all over the table that christmas evening when he had way waaay too much to drink last year.

Stories regularily make the news about employers demanding the password to your face book before they hire you , insurance companies turning down claims , and even just recently some guy made a cheap no-budget movie railing against islam and posted it on and now the terrorists want to kill him and all the actors / actresses in that movie.

And what did the United States do to protect their own citizen who had exercised his rights to free speach ? They told the world his real name , tried to publish his picture (he got smart and covered it when he was arrested ) and now seeks any lame excuse at all to punish him for his "crimes" the crime of free speach , because it's inconvenient to them.

And good luck trying to get your face book account deleted . They flatly refuse to do that. You put something up , it's up forever.

My face book account has an ancient 10 year old picture of me when I had a full beard , and a few rants against what a security hazard Face Book is , and thats about it.

You wanna protest something or express any kind of radical opinion ? You wanna exercise your free speach ? Get an anonymous blog.  You want to put your photo's online for the whole world to see ? The whole world will happily miss use the information for their own gain. Don't be surprised if a dozen credit cards are openned in your name the next week , and a month later they all come knocking on your door demanding you repay them the 100 000$ you apparently blew last month on a wild shopping spree.

Kids care coming up posting their whole lives online ,and facebook and the gang are totally refusing to delete anything. And thats going to injure all of us, going to injure the next generation. And thats just not acceptable.

Ontario Works , sept 21 - Personal Message

Article = none

To my darling sister in toronto.

Stop panicking , I am not wandering the streets. I am in my current residence that I have been in for more than ten years, and I will be moving to my brothers place at the end of the month. There is no wandering the streets here ...except for my evening walk which I actually enjoy doing.

Stop panicking.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ontario Works sept 20

They mailed my health insurance card from Ontario Works (Welfare by another name) to my new address. And they wanted banking information to arrange a direct deposit.

 Guess that means I have been accepted.

Guess that means it's time to start planning my new life as a full time blogger giving my unwanted opinions on everything and the dog .

Now the only question is , how much extra do I get for having Type II Diabetes ... they never did say , they just said "a little more"

Ok. This "cute" picture I found on a lolcats site isn't actually as funny as you think it is.

Tigers eat people.

Trust me. They really do. And not just their owner. But people who come by to visit , an unexpected guest like a bill collector or salesman ... maybe you finally got a hot date ...

Tigers eat people. And you are endangering not just yourself and whoeever else is stupid enough to live with you in your tiger cage , but any random stranger just coming by to fix the plumbing as well.

If this picture is you , then you're exercising criminal stupidity. Call the pound. While you still can.

Could man linked with anti-Islam film be in trouble with the law? (+video)

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man at the center of the controversy over an anti-Islam film, is on probation and has been questioned by federal officials. It is unclear whether he violated the terms of his parole, but if he did, he could face jail.



This happened in Canada.This sort of assault on peoples rights. Some students were legally protesting tuition hikes in Quebec, and so the Quebec government decided to revoke their right to peaceful assembly.  It didn't work out so well and the governing party lost the following election. 

The problem is you're taking away this guys free speach. Oh you're using the excuse he might have violated probation and stuff, but at the same time , in order to apease the Islamic's, you're making it crystal clear that you're really bowing to their pressure. 

In short , the American Government is tossing an American's right to free speach the moment it becomes inconvenient.  And that usually doesn't work out too well. You are elected to protect your people , not appease a bunch of guys that hate you and want you dead on the other side of the world. You need to do your job , or get out. 





Female U.S. war resister faces deportation today

"The deportation order given to Ms. Rivera is unjust and must be challenged," Tutu wrote earlier this week in a commentary published in the Globe and Mail.
"It's in times when people are swept up in a frenzy of war that it's most important to listen to the quiet voices speaking the truth. Isn't it time we begin to redress the atrocity of this war by honouring those such as Ms. Rivera who had the courage to stand against it at such cost to themselves?"

We werent swept into war on a wave of propaganda.
The Terrorists blew up several buildings in the USA and openly cheered and identified themselves , and then threatenned to do the same for most every western nation in the world. I remember laughing because while they did mention Canada , they had placed Canada as last on the list of nations they were going to attack.

Ms. Rivera was a soldier in times of war , and instead of going off to war she fled. She fled to a country that was going off to the very same war , in fact. Which was kind of foolish since you're not going to find sympathy there.

If you're a peace activist , what are you doing joining the army ? Did you think they'd let you cut and run when the time came for you to do the job they'd spent a wad training you to do ?

I have sympathy for conscript troops. I have no sympathy for volinteers that cut out when the time to fight comes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Egypt orders arrest of US-based Copts over film


One woman and seven men, including Mr Jones, are accused of "insulting the Islamic religion, insulting the Prophet and inciting sectarian strife", according to the prosecutor's office.
It said international police agency Interpol would be notified of the warrants. A request will also be filed with US judicial authorities.
The office added that all the accused could face the death penalty if convicted.

Ok. Pausing so you can finish laughing.

Now then. I would like some warrents issued for the arrest every muslim Iman in the world for hate crimes against, well , any religion but Islam , not to be picky about it. Destroying Christian Churches. Ordering mobs to kill non muslims in various countries. Heck , these muslims don't even like each other there's like three major factions and they're all happily out there killing each other , so what the heck , lets throw Crimes against Islam into the mix as well.

And I want them all extradited to the USA , where they will be jailed with big honking black men called Bubba so they can be repeatedly sodomized over a 25 year period by their cell mates.

Are you laughing yet ? You should be. Both idea's are equilly ridiculous.

You can't enforce Islamic Law on a country that has outright rejected it. You kind of have to go to war and conquer them first before hand, and that hasn't happened yet. In fact, considering the state of the military in most middle eastern nations , that's not likely to ever happen.

Appreciate the joke. Put a smile on my face on this rainy tuesday.

Doesn't accomplish much else.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hillary Clinton: Anti-Islam film 'reprehensible'


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has condemned an anti-Islam video, which has sparked protests across the Middle East and North Africa, as "reprehensible."

Sometimes I wonder if there's a grand plan behind this all. And sometimes I think I'm just being paranoid. 

Case in point : Any kind of protest like this in the middle east , and the politicians here will denounce it , and the film (or other incident) that caused it. This is fairly predictable. 

And another point : Due to the terrorism , and the fact that the USA has kind of been at war with Iraq / Afghanistan for the last 10 years, anyone who even seems to support Islam might as well be named Mudd in the eyes of the US Electorate. 

Put these two points together ... if you could deliberately generate such an incident , you could cause your opponent in this election year to lose a lot of popularity , maybe even win an election you might normally lose. 

Do I have any proof ? No . It's pure supposition.  

But it's hard not to see the pattern.  

And that's my tin foil hat conspiracy theory for the day.    :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ontario Works sept 14

Should I actually title this Ontario Works ?
I'm not actually on Ontario Works yet, not until I move out at the end of the month.

Ran an errand on my bike to the hospital to pick up the paper work that says I have various debilitating conditions. Doctor only checked off Diabetes. Not Chrones Disease ? No , they wanted that only if I was losing so much weight (it didn't say over how long a period... I lost 25 pounds in the last 2 years does that count ? apparently not) . Well , that's understandable. Chrones disease normally occurs in the small intestine where it messes up your ability to absorb nutrition. Mine is in the large intestine where , among other fascinating topics that you don't want to discuss over dinner, it messes up the large intestines job of water absorption.

Well , such is life.

Getting better on the bike. Only rested once on the way there, and once on the way back.  Two days ago it was twice. Yesterday I couldn't bear to get on it my rear was just too sore :)

Wife decided to hit the Casino.
I have learned not to bad talk the Casino. It is her religion , trash talking it give her bad luck  and therefore it's my fault when she doesn't win. (Am I wacky or does this sound suspiciously like some kind of cult ??? ) She's ticked because she's going to have trouble making rent at the end of the month since I'm gone.

As if me staying and depending on her for everything is going to improve the matter.

She lost the money she brought , and then was angry with me on the bus home. She actually stated she came to the casino to win and solve all her problems , but since that didn't happen she was depressed. And it was all my fault.

Am I wonked for believing that if your monthly budget assumes you actually win at the casino you're doing it wrong ? Well , I can't even discuss it with her because it starts a fight because she thinks I'm giving her bad luck and causing her to lose.

and we're home again.

And I've learned to answer the question "How much money do you have" with "Not enough" and if she presses me "This money is my last. There is no replacing it. I'm sorry. "

and yes, she nicked me for 5$ because she saw I had a fiver in my wallet. And when she got home she decided not to repay me.

Love you dear , but you can be nasty sometimes.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ontario Works - The First Three Days

Ontario Works, the Ontario name for "Welfare".

Day 1 : 

My unemployment has run out , and due to my several interesting and varied medical conditions I'm having serious trouble finding a job. I've applied for Welfare (ahem) Ontario Works, and we get the answer back today.


My wife makes too much money . They don't care she's facing her second bankruptcy , or sending money home to the Philipines because she has a house there and a family she's helping out , including several (adult) children. They don't care what she's spending the money on , or that she had a sister go through Chemotheropy and we had to pay for it. She's making too much money. She should pay for my everything.

Tears. Sobbing. Mixed with demands that I pay for everything. Next months rent , grocieries, internet ..all of it. Which of course is not possible.

Day 2 : 

Now anger has set in. Now it's all my fault . I must be happy I'm now looking for another place to stay , she accuses me. Options are scarce. Looks like I'll be leaving a couple of rubber maids on my sisters porch for a year while I travel to the mens shelter and essentially lose all my worldly possessions. I'll be alive , and they'll cover medical (Ontario Works will) , but I'm guarenteed I won't like it. The shelter , by the way , doesn't give you a room. It gives you a bunk. In a communial room. There's apparently a lock up for your medical supplies, and a locker as well with your bunk. But think of it like summer camp. 100 guys in one big room. In at 9pm , kicked out by 7am to wander the city , back by 9pm .... yesh ...

A bit of calculation shows 100$ / month for a bus pass , or I could get a bicycle for 30$ at a "cycle salvage" place , they called it , down on bronson and gladstone. I get down there and the price jumps to 60$ , but it's still worth it.   2 painful hours to ride the bike home.

Day 3: 

Visit the hospital and drop off a form at the doctors office for "special diet" that might maybe get me a little more money from Ontario Works because I have Chrones Disease and Type II Diabetes.  Yes, I took my bike. Yes , it hurt my behind painfully and I stopped twice to rest there, and twice more back.

Did I mention the T-Shirt ?  I used to work for my brother , and his company used to work for another company called L****** . (yes, censored it out) . And they had a great idea they wanted us all to wear these puke green t-shirts with the L****** logo on them.  Then they found out that that would make them liable if we slipped on the floor and hurt ourselves or otherwise had an accident, and suddenly us sub-contractors who don't work directly for L****** are told not to wear the shirt. Ever.

I neatly fold this shirt up , and put it on my bicycle seat which as caused me so much pain. And I duct tape the heck out of it. You can't even see the shirt , you just see a huge pile of duct tape wound round and round and round. It's a little more comfortable now , thanks. 

Visit my brother , who's offering me a room. I'm desperate, I'll take anything. The room is not "Marketable" in that there's no door to close and lock , so you can't rent it out to anyone, but he's my brother , so I don't care.

Visit the local food bank. It opens it's doors at 7pm. I get there , after getting lost and asking for directions three times, at 7:40pm. The doors are locked and everyone's gone home, and there's nothing left but a few empty boxes marked groceries.  The place is also in the middle of a low income project with lots and lots of people and children running the streets. Obviously they lined up and emptied out the place as soon as the doors openned.  I go home with nothing.

This , it seems , is going to be quite the adventure.


Clips from Sam Bacile's "The Mohammad Movie"
The movie is strictly amature night. You'd swear some group of guys with a video camera and a computer made it.
The most insulting parts (to Islam) are when the actors suddenly are silenced , and a totally different voice is dubbed in to put words in their mouth. It's like they didn't even try to hide the fact they'd changed the actors lines without him knowing it.
Two things are obvious from this clip.
One : This is a really , really , terrible movie. You probably don't want to actually bother watching it. I know I didn't even bother finishing the 13 min clip.
Two : ... I don't know how to phrase this. One the one hand no effort was spared to insult Mohammad The Prophet Praise Be His Name (yes, that is the first time I said his name properly , but Sam Bacile's insults deserve a little counter balancing politeness I think ) , but on the other hand many of the points that the movie makes, in it's horrible unwatchable fashion, are actually true.
So what can you do ?
It is interesting that the only way certain things can be discussed is a direct attack on Islam. The convolutions you must go through to avoid insulting a whole religion ... that loses a lot in clarity. That hides a lot of things. When "politeness" enters the picture , too much is cast aside with a shrug and a "We don't talk about such things"
That's generally the part where someone gets upset about being muzzeled, and makes a movie like this.
This movie isn't meant to sell any tickets. It's meant to discuss the indiscussable. And failure to join the discussion means that everyone carries on the discussion anyways without you.

Sorry , Islam. But you wanted to be in the spot light, you wanted the world to see you and be aware of you and talk about you ? Be careful what you wish for.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Premier Jean Charest loses home riding of Sherbrooke

In honor of Premier Jean Charest losing his seat and possibly no longer being leader of the provincial conservatives, I would like to offer something to remember him by.