Monday, February 02, 2009

Rona Ambrose Responds (sort of)

I sent an email to Rona Ambrose, member of parliment , about the ottawa strike.

And she replied ! Or ..her assistant did.


Thank you for your letter.

I have passed your sentiments along to the Minister, who is also pleased that the buses will soon be back on the roads again. She felt that the “people of Ottawa had suffered enough.”

It was thoughtful of you to write.

Diane Scharf

Assistant to the Hon. Rona Ambrose, PC, MP

The letter cracks me up. Especially the part about "It was thoughtful of you to write." why ?

This is what I sent them.

Subject : Ottawa bus Strike

Text :
Binding arbitration.
Send them back to work.
Now please.
50 days is too much.

(signature here>

yeah , that was *REAL* thoughtful of me to send her a nice letter like that. *snicker snicker*
Well, she never saw it anyways. It was an assistant that wrote me back , and it was probably a form letter too.

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