Monday, September 22, 2008

The Underdogg speaks

Dion set to unveil Liberal platform

This blog entry is a little odd since I'm not responding to the listed news article from , rather , there are blog like comments at the bottom left by ordinary citizens. This one was left by someone using the handle Underdogg.

I chose him because he belongs to the crowd that likes to use the word "neo-con" a lot and generaly despises the conservatives and thinks they can do no right and Dion can do no wrong.

I don't bother responding to CBC because they filter all of my responses and ignore them, and only guys like this get to post. Someone of a prejudiced point of view for a newspaper, but they are big business , and the "neo-cons" are anti big business arn't they ?

Kluane 403 wrote

"Dion was born in this country and that does in fact make him Canadian. His mother was from France and therefore he has dual citizenship not unlike millions of Canadians. He has always lived in Canada and that fact he was willing to implement the Clarity Act knowing full well the response by his fellow Quebecers would not be favourable shows me he unlike many around today has courage, conviction and a love for this country which was not tempered by potential political gain."

Whaaaa ! Make me prime minister ! I wanna be prime minister ! Thats why I'm running this race !Waaaaaa !
Ha ha. Not tempered by potential political gain indeed.

And the remark about him being non canadian is a remark about how Quebec consider's itself a seperate nation, not about his actual legal citizenship. Answer the question asked , don't make up your own and answer that , thats a straw man argument tactic.

Well put. Neo cons have tried their best to paint Stephane as non Canadian. Conservative mps Tony Clement and Myron Thomson also hold dual citizenship. I don't hear the cons complaining about that. But hey, lying is a part of being a conservative so we shouldn't be surprised.

Your fair and even view of one politician against another is so noted , Underdogg. I'm sure it won't take much to dig up a few promises Stephen Dion made to get here that he didn't fullfill, but I'm equilly sure you'll brush that off as not counting.

Unfortunately, the Canadian electorate does not properly investigate potential political leaders. They vote based on the soundbites. Dion is not a proficient public speaker in english and that is unfortunately what he is judged on rather than on his bold political decisions.

bold political decision ? TAX EVERYONE TO THE HILT ! TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX !!!!

Yeah ...too bold for me , thanks.

It's unfortunate that he is not seen for the potentially good leader he might be as a result of his accent and public speaking difficulties.
Canadians vote for pm on the same basis they voted for their high school leaders. Very sad.


Cretian made prime minister despite a heavy accent and a speach impediment (half his mouth was paralized so he could only speak out one side of it) . But the "Neo-Libs" Like Underdogg here conveniently forget that example.

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