Saturday, September 13, 2008

Liberals promise homeowners $575M in incentives to 'green' homes


And the rich get richer. Certainly poor people don't own houses. You can tell this party only has rich people as members in it.

"We have a plan to help people to adapt, to help especially middle- and low-income Canadians," Dion said. does helping rich people with their houses help middle and low income Canadians ? The article doesn't say. Mr Dion seems to believe that giving free money away to the rich only is good for all.

Dion plan faces a tough sell to voters in B.C. who are already contending with a provincial carbon tax that kicked in on July 1 and added 2.3 cents to the price of a litre of gasoline.
"Aren't we going to take an unfair double hit?" asked one concerned resident.

Dion responded that he would seek to find a solution, noting that he served as intergovernmental affairs minister for eight years and knows how to negotiate with provinces.

Losely translated , "Yep ! You're gonna take a double whacking ! Thanks for voting for us idiot !"

Negotiate with the provinces , yeah right. They're making money off their carbon tax they're not going to give that up. Especially if it turns out to be the opposing party in power. BC is going to get done dirty if you get elected and you know it.

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