Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alabama to link premium costs to workers' health


With obesity levels higher than in any other state except Mississippi, Alabama's insurance board chief William Ashmore and his staff of workplace wellness advocates decided it was time for a change.

We have to do something about all these fat people !

I know. Lets ban all that advertising on TV about how McDogfood meals are good for you and you should eat there three times a day. Don't forget to supersize it !

No ...can't do that. That would hurt big business, this is america , we don't do that here.

I know. Lets run ads on TV describing what exactly is a healthy diet and what isn't , and then let people make up their own minds !

No... can't do that. Every fast food joint and holistic con artist medicine clinic in the country would be up in arms over that and boot us out of office. This is America , we don't do that here.

I know ! Lets open an official weight loss chain of clinics with real dieticians and doctors and everything instead of those con artists that just take your money and blame you for their fraudulent weightloss program failing ! Lets do it for real !

No , we can't do that. Fraudulent weight loss clinics are big business in America , and we don't punish big business here , I believe I already mentioned that.

Dang. I'm out of good idea's.

Ok. How about this ? Lets tax them for being fat and let them figure it out for themselves ?

Thats the stupidest thing I ever heard of.

Well...thats what we have left. I'm out of idea's too. Lets give it a try.

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