Friday, June 01, 2007

Don't Do Linux Any More

Article = none, my personal experiance / opinion

I was talking with a co-worker at work the other day , and he explained to me that he didn't have time for Linux. He'd started with Ubuntu , then worked his way through a whole bunch of them and then got up to mandrake, but now he had a wife and kids and didn't have time to fiddle anymore...


Ok then.
You're not really supposed to just learn some Linux varient , and then walk away. I agree , that is a waste of time. You're supposed to learn a varient , and then use it for a while, like a year or two , see if it's good for you , things like that. Typical tech attitude. Figured it out , got it working , now I'm abandoning it.

Some people make me laugh.

I'd never abandon ubuntu. That would mean going to WinVista , and I just don't have the cash for that. Maybe in five years, when the hardware prices drop , and WinVista is dying and is dirt cheap, I'll buy a computer just as a game box . But games are the only thing windows does that Linux doesn't. (At least not well) , and thats just not enough, I'm sorry.

Work had a sale yesterday. Old Pentium III's they don't need anymore. $40 bucks. picked one up for myself. It will run ubuntu just fine. Game machine running winvista is 3000$ , mostly due to the minimum hardware requirements thought the price of the operating system doesn't help I'm sure. but 40$ and a few spare parts to put a computer in the living room for guests so they stay out of my rather messy room... how can I pass that up ?

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