Saturday, June 09, 2007

Amnesty International : A Terrorists Best Friend


The latest revelation could boost a legal challenge by Amnesty International and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, which have applied to Federal Court for an injunction to halt the transfers.

They argue that Canada could find itself complicit in torture if it knowingly hands prisoners over to authorities who will abuse them.

Ok ok. So you pick these people up on the battle field , they've been shooting at you , they probably still have the guns in their hands. And theyve been coached to claim "ABUSE ABUSE ! " if they get captured.

And they have been terrorizing the local population (read that "randomly killing civilians and generally going on a murderous rampage").

And what does Amnesty International have to say about this ?

Give them some cookies and milk and send them home.

And what about the people they killed ?

Too bad. Amnesty for the living. The dead are gone.

And the soldiers they attacked ?

Soldiers are evil and deserve it.

But they themselves are soldiers !

Amnesty International makes no sense, unless you really think about it.
Then you realize they're providing material support to every criminal and terrorist in the world. We should be arresting these jokers and throwing them in the slammer, not pandering to them.

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