Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Time Warner decides to crash computers


Ignore the actual article. Look at the advertising on the side. It's already playing some kind of Flash animation. And if you "mouse over" it starts playing a rather lengthy movie. Mouse over , as in you accidently moved your mouse over it , and then away ... too late sucker , it's now going to play. and if you have too many things going, or you're on dial up , or somehow playing a full MOVIE when you were just looking to read a text news article is bad for your system.... surprise !!!! down you go.

There's no stop button either.

This is advertising at it's most obnoxious. A simple four paragraph news story about some japanese minister committing suicide, and suddenly your computer is now running a full out movie that you cannot stop.

someone has got to start building in "movie blockers" into browsers, that do not start a movie until you press ok or something. This is just insane.

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