Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dollar Store Investigation

I visit the dollar store frequently , and buy stuff, of course. How can you not buy stuff ,it's only a buck for something. Or less.

Intersting question. Has technology made our life easier by manufacturing goods cheaply for us ?

Where else would you find such cheap goods, than a dollar store ?

Glasses and dishes : no frills no nonsense , they work good. Any cracked ones you just leave on the shelf.

Plastic containers. : works great !

Spill proof coffee mug : not so spill proof. Leaked coffee onto my shirt the first time I used it. Dropped it into the trash quick.

Delicate screw driver set : Suitable for fixing glasses. Works great !

Towels and Hand Cloths : work great !

Electrical extension cord : Came pre-broken out of the box. Never did see it work. Tossed it.

Ear Bud head phones for my mp3 player : tinny and hard to hear. Tossed them.

Blank Note Books : The pages usually fall out. Toss.

Pens : I'm Batting 4 out of 5 were broken. Current set works, previous four never did write.

Music CD Christmas Tunes : Sounded like someone programmed a computer to play those tunes. The CD technically worked, but it was actually painful to listen to the ... sounds, I hesitate to call it music. And there was no musician listed, apparently the "artist" declined to take the credit / blame for this. Tossed

Watch : Attempted to set the time. Watch promptly broke and never worked again. Tossed.

Wait ! I am seeing a pattern emerge !

If it's simple, a pot , a pan , a plate, a cup , a towel , etc, it works very well from the dollar store.

If it has moving parts (pen , notebook , any electronics, etc) it probably doesn't work.

Interesting pattern. :)

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