Tuesday, June 12, 2007

No , you can't read the news article, only the ad


Click on the link above and take at look at the news article. Expspecially if you're on Fire Fox.

What do you see ?

A big honking AT&T ad. It doesn't go away. It doesn't have a close button. It covers half the news article I'm trying to read. You click on it and it nicely pops up a survey. But the ad still doesn't close.

Apparently , we have reached the point where suffering through reading the ad's no longer gets you to the news article in question. Now, you are simply tricked into coming to the page and denied access to the news article completely.

This is a new low for advertising. Soon I will start building a black list of sites never to go to because they pull such stunts, and so it's pointless. I'm not going to get to read the article anyways , am I ?

It was the wired news site on my home page. I tried a different article from the same site. Same flipping ad covering most of the next and not going away. Removed the wired site from my home page. I suppose I could whine and threaten , but they never listen to us little guys anyways. I'll live with a simple "it wastes my time and doesn't let me read the articles anyways" .

Switched to my windows xp box and internet explorer 7.
It's even more annoying , it runs a full movie , pops up a window to the survey when you click on it , and STILL won't close ! .
I actually got of light being on fire fox. Windows users really get the shaft on this deal.

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