Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Gitmo Prisoners

So... what do we do about all those prisoners in Guantanamo ?

They were caught on the battle field , shooting at our soldiers. Maybe even successfully killing a few.

The nations they come from , like Australia and Canada , pretty much are on the other side of the battle , not just denying involvement but actually providing troops for the opposite side of the war. They certainly don't approve of these people's actions.

In fact no one agree's with their actions. No nation that is , just a religious organization. So what do we do ?

Well...if the relgion is backing them , perhaps we could declare the religion itself an enemey ?

Not gonna work. Can't declare a religion of two billion people (Islam) public enemy number one, sorry.

So the only possible (legal) conclusion is that they are "strays". Terrorists and private individuals with a grudge or ideological convictions.

And what do you do with such strays ? You turn them over to the authorities of the government they were trying to over throw. Even if you know it means they get executed. Give me a break , they were shooting at you !

But the bleeding hearts club seems to think we can't do that (to murderer's caught in the act , red handed) they might get their feelings hurt or something. The bleeding hearts thing these people should be sent home to bed and given some milk and cookies, and we'll just forget about the soldiers and private citizens they murdered in some foriegn land far away.

Can't do that either.

Bush's problem is he's trying to please too many people. He's trying to set up a world court to try these people, and that world court is going to come back and sting him (or at least sting the USA) one day in the future. Just like the Nuremburg trials for the Nazi war crimes routinely does.

He should give it up as a bad job and just turn these prisoners over to the iraqi's and afghans and let them be executed. The kangaroo court he's trying to set up is gonna be nothing but trouble.

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