Friday, May 18, 2007

CRTC approves more TV ads


Currently, broadcasters can show up to 12 minutes of advertising per hour, including segments promoting programs in their lineups.

As of Sept. 1, this will increase to a maximum of 14 minutes of advertising in prime time — between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.

A year later, the limit will increase to 15 minutes across all time periods. As of September 2008, all advertising time restrictions will be lifted. The CRTC will review the impact of these increased ad times in spring 2008.

Ok. First off, you're not throwing 12 min of advertising in an hour. You're throwing 38 minutes. Of course this is likely to mean "local" advertising , as opposed to stuff the us channels stick in there. so while the total may be 38 minutes of ads in an hour only 12 min of those ads is local.

So ... where does the xtra three minutes come from when you throw in three extra minutes of local ads ? do you chop 3 minutes of american ads ? ( I seriously doubt it) or do you take three more minutes out of actual show time and replace it with ads. ( Most likely.)

So ...22 minutes per hour of show time suddenly becomes 19 min / hour ? And 41 min of commercials per hour ?

I say go for it.

Why ? Because the biggest gripe people have with tv is that there's too many ads. That you're paying , paying 60$ a month and there's more ads on than actual show ! Now there'll be slightly more than twice as much ad as there is show !

And of course, because I hate television. Nothing but a huge waste of time. Go ahead, turn it into the non-stop shopping channel , save yourself the aggrivation of trying to make these annoying drama's or reality shows or what not...just go straight to pure advertising.

Mean time , did I mention I don't watch tv ? I just surf the net.

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