Wednesday, May 09, 2007

THE widow of July 7 suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan was among four people arrested today in connection with the attacks in 2005.

First, before I begin ranting, I'd like to complain about how TWO pop ups apeared over the text of this article, blocking my ability to read it , and because I'm on firefox and I'm blocking pop ups , clicking on them did absolutely nothing.

it apears that the manchester evening news deeply enjoys being annoying. (


THE widow of July 7 suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan was among four people arrested today in connection with the attacks in 2005

Normally I would be highly doubtful that some criminals wife was in on the deal. Unfortunately , the suicide bomber is a different breed of animal. They are fanatics. What is a fanatic ? A fanatic is someone who wont shut up and won't change the subject. The part about blowing themselves up usually comes later.

What does this mean ?

It means the british bobbies are going to put her in a room with camera's and recorders going, and then some nice woman dressed in proper muslim dress , but sorry don't speak arabic I came from some other part of the world could we try english please ? Is going to come into the room , and agree with everything she says , be generally sympathetic and give her a shoulder to cry on.

At which point it's all going to come gushing out. Her secret hatreds , how she was just pretending to be a civilized person for appearances sake , the so called friends she has that really she would like to knife in the back ... it's all going to come out in full technicolor and graphic detail.
Then the cops are going to pick through the mess, use only the parts that will convict her, and ditch the rest in the name of not inciting hatred against a racial group, and all the nastiest of that filth will be forever erased.
Until they get her in court. And she starts shouting "Death to the Infidels ! I'm glad to be a martyr ! "
Because they're fanatics. And they couldn't keep their mouth shut if their lives depended upon it. Which it does. But thats not a possibility.

The cops have spent too much time fighting criminals with actual brains. Now ,fighting these muslims , it's like a runner who's always trained with heavy weights on his legs, and suddenly you take the weights off.

maybe...if they weren't all the same race...
... every cop in the west wouldn't be staring at them....
maybe...if they didn't all attend to their religious duties with fevor thats almost holy ...
... every cop in the west couldn't simply make up a list of who attends
friday prayers religiously and who's fast and loose with it , and only
pay attention to the die hards ...
maybe...if they could keep their mouths shut for once in their lives ...
... every cop in the west is already staring at you. Bad time to run on on at...
the mouth.
maybe...if they actually had a brain between them....
... they'd stop listening to rich oil millionaires that inform them "You go die,
I'll stay here and guard the fort" ... and get just a little suspicious of
that set up.

But no. Not gonna happen.

Bunch of womans groups will swarm to her assistance. Right up to the point where they let her open her trap in court. Then any evidence amassed against her won't really matter as she'll self confess her profound hatred for us all live and in color.

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