Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Plumber Fails To Speak

Two weeks ago , I run around with all this stupid insurance paper work , get it to where it has to go , pay my doctor $10 bucks , the whole nine yards. All done.
wait for money.

Today the insurance company takes the greatest of pleasure in calling me up. It seems my Doctor , that self styled "Call me The Plumber" kind of guy , checked off that I was capable of returning to work.

Which , while I might argue might not be the case, certainly I would argue HE SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME !

Two weeks sitting on my butt waiting for insurance money and he knew it wasnt' coming , and he didn't tell me a dang thing.

And he charged me 10$ for that piece of paper on top of it all.


Excuse me, I have to start putting stuff together , it seems I have to go to work this friday.

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