Wednesday, November 01, 2006

CSR Sun life Insurance

CSR = Customer Service Representative.

I met a friend from work the other day in my favorite coffee shop , we're both CSR's , but while I stayed in technical support fixing computers, he moved on. To Sun Life Insurance, which is who's paying out my short term disability. He's a CSR there too, answering the phone, talking to yahoo's like me.

I asked him about all the paper work and forms and stuff I have to fill out, and the answer was not really what i expected.

It's his job to keep us sick people running around. Go here, go there. Hoping we'll get depressed and give it up. Because if we don't fill out those forms , they don't have to pay us. It's all a game he said, and you'd be surprised how much they save just by insisting on one or two extra sheets of paper, one extra trip to the doctor to sign one more many people just give it up as a bad job...

Made a special trip today to get my latest piece of paper signed from that company. That conversation echoing in my mind. Totally unfair, they know I'm not going to get better in just a few weeks. But at least now I know how this game is played.

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