A 28-year-old man faces multiple child pornography charges after Ottawa police raided his home on Montreal Road Thursday.
In mid June and late August this year, Ottawa policereceived
information that an IP address in the area uploaded images of child
sexual abuse using a website called ChatStep. It was determined the offending IP address was located in the 400
block of Montreal Road, near St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa police said
in a media release.
Police executed a search warrant at a home on Thursday. Images of child sexual abuse were found on a computer, police said.
-------- ------- --------
While I have little sypmathy for this guy, I can't help but notice that apparently , your activities on the internet are being watched. You are in public, just as if you were out walking down the street.
Worse, when you're walking down the street only a handful of people see and recognize you, or remember you were there. On the internet, they remember for ever, even years later they still have records. And they do anything they want with those records.
Since the "Robocall scandel " (machines phoning you up, asking who you're going to vote for, and sending you off to the wrong polling station where you're not allowed to vote, thus influencing an election ) I've always been interested in how such records could be used to figure out what political party you're likely to vote for, and then somehow , through law or deception , remove your right to vote.
It is of great concern that they are watching and recording our every activity, though I know many people who do not believe this.
Habib, who is charged with attempting to leave Canada to commit acts of
terrorism and trying to obtain a passport by providing false
information, is the first to be charged as a result of the
Much as I distrust American Police, this was a Canadian Police case...
And this joker put this particular selfie on his facebook page.
Much as I must point out I checked out his facebook page (just search on his name Ismael Habib ) and saw mostly family photo's and such ... I can't help but ask ..."Whoa...that rifle is totally illegal here in Canada. Where did you get it ? "
UPDATE : It now turns out the guys "Confession" was derived from a "Mr. Big" police operation.
problem being , if you're looking what you think is a violent criminal
gangster in the eye , and he says "So you wanna go kill people ? I can
help you with that. " That doesn't count as a confession, even the
canadian supreme court agree's with that. The guy (presumably, if you
don't know he's a cop) might kill you if you say the wrong thing,
therefore anything you say to him cannot be considered a confession.
goes back to my original opinion. If you're standing up in court
yelling "allah akbarr ! I refuse to recognize this court ! Islam is the
only Law !" he's probably guilty. If he's saying "I never said that ! I
never did that ! I deny everything ! " He's probably not. Goes to the definition of "fanatic". Non
fanatics do not cross the ocean in order to die in a war on the other
side of the planet. I am suddenly suspicious this guy might be innocent.
ST. LOUIS — In the wake of the riots, police actions and responses
connected to the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, In the
Line of Duty – the world leader in law enforcement video and internet
training – launched their newest online video training based on “best
practices” learning from law enforcement leadership titled “Ferguson/The
Lessons Learned.”
And what lessons could the police possibly learn from Ferguson Missouri ?
Hmmm... The mayor and the city council issued you orders, and you followed them. You acted like bandits , ripping off every black in sight , and you'd been at it so long you didn't even bother to hide it. When the Justice Department of the United states eventually investigated, years later, they found things like you issuing tickets because you figured someone was "walking funny" or you didn't like the way they were wearing their blue jeans.
Now what could the United States Badge Weilding Thugs possibly be putting into their training videos. What exactly is "Best Practices" for an organization obliged to act like bandits by their bosses and who has no way to change their bosses actions ?
I'm betting the "Lessons Learned" here are how to be a better bandit, and how to rip them off for more and more cash.
Someone needs to steal that video and put it on the web.
Now that Donald Trump is president-elect of the United States, many
Muslim Canadians are pondering what his election means for them and
whether they're welcome in the country he will lead.
--- --- ---
Um, you're wondering if you will be able to leave canada and go to the USA ?
Goodbye, have a nice trip , don't come back now !
Do I care what you think if you're planning on leaving ? No, as a matter of fact I don't.
Stay here and help build this country , or get the heck out. I got no use for "Just Passing Through" Canadians.
So why did an acknowledge sexual predetor and rapist and muslim hater win ?
The above statement is why.
Too many times, those who wish to be PC (Politicaly Correct) have threatened us, burned us in effigy on our own front lawns, tried to get us fired , because we don't agree with them. Heck , I agree with most things PC , lets say 9 out of 10 , but some of those things are really stupid, and they will try to get you fired if you complain about it.
Donald Trump Won , because various women's liberation organizations stated loud and long that they shouldn't have to go to trial or produce witnesses, a man should be found guilty just on their say so, nothing more should be requried.
Donald Trump Won because "Slowing the immigration of Muslims" isn't an evil thing. It's another way of saying "take care of american's first, whom I'm obligated to , and strangers at the door can go knock on some other door , we're full up here" ... which every PC'er will try to twist into something evil , but that's the point. Thats why they lost.
Donald Trump Won because he hates trade deals. Which every joe on the street does the moment they find out their job just moved south to mexico. And the ten million business men shouting "TRADE IS GOOD TRADE IS GOOD GET OUT OF HERE YOU UNEMPLOYED BUM !!!" didn't win any kudo's from anyone but themselves.
Donald Trump won because if you're an american , the NSA cause of spying on the world for the specific benifit to the american economy is a good thing for you. And non americans who don't like getting ripped off (like me !) we don't get to vote.
Donald Trump Won because even though he vowed to bring Obama's health care system crashing down , you know he's going to bring in "The Trump Health Care System" that will do pretty much exactly the same thing, so that's really a non-issue.
Donald Trump Won because blacks and homeless largely don't get to vote. So their opinion doesn't really matter.
Donald Trump won because of what Ivanna Trump DIDN'T do. Namely make a big ugly mess, accuse him of nasty things , etc etc. Hey , if you're keeping your wife happy you can't be all that bad.
Donald Trump Won because the american Media has been for years stating that if you don't vote for their candidate, the world as we know it will come to the end and it will be the apocalypse. And no one believes them anymore.
Donald Trump won because we're tired of being told what to think . And when we stand alone in that poll booth , knowning that no one will know who's name we're going to put that X beside, all sorts of evil thoughts come to us.
And no , we probably don't regret it. Despite the talk of "Voter Remorse".
So, lets here it for Donald Trump. Lets cancel those Free Trade agreements and bring those jobs home from Mexico back to canada. Or , Lets Trump those Trade Agreements.
ProtonMail has
accused Google of hiding the company from search results in what may
have been an attempt to suffocate the Gmail competitor. The free
encrypted email service, which caters to nearly one million users
worldwide, has enjoyed an increasing user base and popularity over the
past few years as governments worldwide seek to increase their
surveillance powers.
Why do we care ? Why is this shocking ?
Google is used world wide. Google Android is on all the cheap phones. Android has it's own store for downloading apps. All controlled by Alphabet Inc, the owners of Google. Whom now , it seems are quite happy to decide who you may find on the internet , and who you may not. And , in case you've been asleep for the last several years since Edward Snowden , is legally required to do whatever the US Government tells it to do , and not tell anyone about it. Basically , some foreign nation (USGov) now controls what the entire planet can see. Oh , and they have a second set of laws , just for people who are not citizens of the united states ? They have a set of laws for people who are not US Citizens ? You should be freaking out that such laws even exist, not yawning in boredom. They're picking up people they don't like and arresting them and they never foot on US Soil AND YOU COULD BE NEXT ... Why is no one freaking out over this ?
MANILA, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Philippine
leader Rodrigo Duterte called U.S. President Barack Obama, the European
Union and United Nations "fools" on Thursday, and warned they would end
up humiliated and outsmarted if they accepted an invitation to
investigate his war on drugs. Duterte
said he was open to an outside probe by Obama, his Secretary of State
John Kerry, the EU and the U.N. Commission on Human Rights into alleged
extrajudicial killings, but on the condition that after he was
questioned, he had the right to be heard. "I'll
play with you. I'm very sure they cannot be brighter than me. I will
ask five questions that will humiliate you," Duterte said. "Watch out
for that, it will be a spectacle."
--- --- --- ---
1... Why does the USA still have charges like "Manner of Walking " ?
"The Justice Department report found that citations for minor
infractions, such as walking in the road, were all part of an effort by
the city to increase revenue through fines. The municipal court can
sentence a violator to up to three months in jail, a fine of up to
$1,000 or both."
--- http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-walking-black-ferguson-police-justice-report-20150305-story.html
2... why does the USA deny people the right to vote because of Manner of Walking ?
Qualifications of voters.(Missouri)
115.133. 1. Except as provided in subsection 2 of t
his section, any citizen of the United States who i
s a resident of the
state of Missouri and seventeen years and six month
s of age or older shall be entitled to register and
to vote in any
election which is held on or after his eighteenth b
2. No person who is adjudged incapacitated shall be
entitled to register or vote. No person shall be e
ntitled to vote:
(1) While confined under asentence of imprisonment
(2) While on probation or parole after conviction o
f a felony, until finally discharged from such prob
ation or parole; or
(3) After conviction of a felony or misdemeanor con
nected with the right of suffrage.
(sufferage = right to vote)
3.. Please tell me that Missour law DOES NOT state that if you protest your lack of right to vote, you lose the right to vote ????
4...Why does arresting people for no reason at all , throwing them in jail , and denying them the right to vote sound like a dictatorship ?
5..Ok , I can't think of number 5. The other four pretty much cover it.
A modern (well, 2008 , pretty modern) detective winds up back in 1973, no forensics, no computers, no cell phones, and a fairly corrupt (probably fictional) 125th police district in New York City.
Sounds goofy ? Yes, but I gave it a watch , and found it fascinating. 17 episodes. (Netflix, I'm on the cheapo 8$ / month plan)
Which is the catch. Who makes a 17 episode season ? Did it suddenly die ? Because I saw that before, a series called Constantine.
It was an awesome show ,up until episode 17 , which did nothing but tick me off and tempt me to rage quit (can you call it rage quitting when you watched all the episodes and it was the end of the last one that ticked you off ? )
What did they do ?
They did the Matrix thing. They did the BAD MATRIX thing.
Basically , it turned out the main charactar and the company of cops he was with were actually on a space ship on a trip to Mars, and to keep their minds active they were each in their own private little virtual world.
Why is this bad ? 1... broke the audience contract.
When you show the audience a world , you keep the audience in that world. You don't turn around after 17 episodes and a number of unresolved plot lines and say "enough about that. We're switching to 2035 and you're on a space ship just arriving at Mars" ! That's like making a years worth of some Greys Anatomy Soap Opera, getting everyone to love it and then saying "Forget it, we're going star trek , too bad if you guys don't like sci fi ! ". The audience you carefully built up , who were nostalgic about 1973 , who loved it all , you just ticked them all off. You just lost them.
2... Just a Dream = No Drama
Turns out they're all in little glass coffins on a star ship and they were all safe and sound and never in any danger. Now that you've established that, how are you going to have any dramatic moments ? If he goes back to 1973 , everyone knows he's safe and can't possibly be hurt. If he goes somewhere else, hey , he's just dreaming. Again , no worries. You killed all hope of drama by doing this.
3...Broken Romance Arc
After 17 episodes of finally getting him to admit he likes that cute little platinum blonde, he wakes up in a space ship on mars and she's not there. She's not one of the crew members, she's not the computer Windy (or "W1N-D") , she's no where. She's a figment of the computer dream's imagination. This just may be the worst way to end a romance in the history of TV. It certainly deserves nomination as such.
So, would you keep watching a show ? Knowing they're going to keep pulling the rug out from under you and just abandon most of the story once a year ? I know I won't.
Which is why I believe the show was actually Abandonned. As in , the backer said "Aint getting good ratings ! You got 1 episode to shut it down !" . That's really the only explanation that makes any sense here. Because there's no way there can be a next season if you're pulling crap like this. No one would watch it. The main charactar would have to go back to 1973 , and it would have to NOT be a computer dream. And I just don't see that happening.
"Life on Mars garnered critical praise for its premise, acting, and
depiction of the 1970s but suffered from a declining viewership after
its premiere and a two-month hiatus. ABC announced on March 2, 2009 that
it would not be ordering a second season."
Chinese premier arrives on Parliament Hill to kick off visit
The spectre ofChina's "Operation Fox Hunt" -- the pursuit and
harassment of so-called economic fugitives and other dissidents -- is
casting a shadow over today's talks.
Trudeau has acknowledged that the two countries are engaged in a
high-level security dialogue, including the establishment of a
controversial extradition treaty.
----- ---- ----
So , what kind of extradition treaty could you have with a nation that routinely picks up people just on some communist party's say so, fabricates evidence, and executes people ? Are you going to say "no death penalty" and then when the victims dragged back to china he gets some other fabricated charge thrown at him and gets killed anyways ? Are we only going to allow certain pieces of evidence, effectively creating ground rules for 'how to fabricate evidence' to the Chinese Government ?
By doing this , you are granting the chinese government the right to threaten , extort , and turn into a spy , every single chinese refugee that is in the country.
And thats just the dumbest thing Justin "The Boy Non-Wonder" Trudeau could ever do.
But it looks like he's going to do it anyways.
No more security clearances for Chinese , it seems. They are now subject to black mail by their former nation. So much for the no racism regime we call Canada. Now we will be forced into it.
Next up ! All Former residence of the middle east will be allowed to be extradited by ISIS / ISIL if they don't cooperate ! What could possibly go wrong ?
“It is hoped that it will encourage cyber security service providers to
have their capabilities assessed and accredited. This will drive
increasing levels of capability and capacity in to the market.”
Basically , all government and private cyber security must be approved by the NSA , which is to say , they help the NSA hack any place they work at.
Haven't we had just about enough of this NSA approved nonsense in Canada with the "spy palace" with every single phone having an electronic bug that reports back the contents of every single phone call CSIS makes back to NSA ?
Havn't we had enough of NSA pushing broken , or even outright bogus , encryption standards ? Ones with secret weak spots to make it easy to crack ?
NSA approved means "it comes pre-hacked", and it should be dumped as quick as possible.
Abu Sayyaf extremists on Saturday freed a Norwegian man kidnapped a
year ago in the southern Philippines with two Canadians who were later
beheaded and a Filipino woman who has been released by the
ransom-seeking militants, officials said.
Kjartan Sekkingstad was freed in Patikul town in Sulu province and was
eventually secured by rebels from the larger Moro National Liberation
Front, which has signed a peace deal with the government and helped
negotiate his release, Philippine government officials said.
---- ---- ---- ---- ----
So long and thanks for the ransome money. You'll be hearing from Abu Sayyaf soon as they kidnap 10 more and try it again.
In November, the AP also reported on emails showing Coca-Cola was
instrumental in creating a non-profit that said its mission was to fight
obesity, even though the group publicly said the soda maker had "no
input" into its activities. A document circulated at Coke said the group
would counter the "shrill rhetoric" of "public health extremists."
Coca-Cola subsequently conceded that it had not been transparent, and the group later disbanded.
I find it fascinating that they place the juiciest quotes waaaay at the bottom of these articles , as if hoping no one will read that far.
I knew there was a war going on in the grocery stores and even the vending machines when they started a rating system in the vending machines at work that implied certain items (chocolate bars !) were actually healthy. Everyone (even chocloholics) knows that just isn't true and we made a lot of jokes about it at the time.
Apparently , the average consumer who bothers to read the labels is considered a "public health extremist" ? Wow...just wow. When there is money on the table the lies and false accusations just keep on coming, don't they ? And setting up and running entire false "non profit" organizations to "fact check" their claims and pass them no matter how bogus they are ...just wow.
Canada in June watered down measures to limit the number of
low-wage temporary foreign workers that firms can hire after complaints
the restrictions would cause major labor shortages.
Farmers and meat processors had complained the limit would result in labor shortages.
Here we go again. "Labor shortages" = not enough people willing to do back breaking labor for minimum wage, no benifits, no job security. So rather than provide these things, these businesses want to bring in workers from the other side of the world , taking jobs from Canadians. Because why would you possibly want to raise the pay of someone doing a difficult job when you can hire a philipino , house him in a cockroach infested room with ten other philipino's , and then work him like a dog instead ? This goes on the list as another one of the Liberal Crimes. Stealing Jobs from Canadians.
Zachary Quinto plays journalist Glenn Greenwald in Oliver Stone's new film Snowden (AP)
Actor Zachary Quinto has called for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to
be allowed to return to America without facing espionage charges.
Ignoring , for the moment , the fact that Quinto is an actor trying to push the movie he stared in for his own personal benefit ... Snowden isn't coming home.
He signed an agreement with the NSA to keep things secret, and the US Gov doesn't want everyone and the dog feeling that they can break that agreement, so they will persecute (yes, I meant persecute not prosecute) Snowden as best they can.
This is ridiculous logic , of course, because the NSA was breaking the law (still is !) and no one is doing anything about it (and still wont ! They're writing laws to "backdate" the NSA's actions to make them suddenly legal). The truth is they got caught doing something illegal , and they'd like to keep on doing illegal things, and they're going to crucify Snowden as an example to everyone else not to mess with them and let them continue their illegal activities.
It's called a dictatorship , by the way , when this sort of thing happens. Not democracy. DICTATORSHIP. As in the law is only for other people ? Not for the people in power ?
Islam rejects Democracy. Yeah , most every religion does that. Still, a true statement, not a rant. Unless you got a real funny definition of "rant"
For example, in Saudi Arabia, a country ruled by Islamic law, sorcery,
witchcraft, and blasphemy are all crimes punishable by death
Oohh...they dared to quote an actual real world event in a muslim controlled country ? Shocking !
Saudi Arabia infuses Islam in all aspects of daily life. The practice of
any other religion is against the law and there is an actual Religious
Police to enforce this law.
Honest ... those muslims love canadian values ...NOT !!!
Wow, what an increadably racist piece. Actually quoting facts is now an Evil Thing, apparently. You are a racist anti-muslim pig for daring to do such a thing. What is the world coming to ?
Freedom of speach , people ! We have a right to say anything we like, ESPECIALLY if it happens to be true and we can back it up.
When did the CBC become the Muslim Propaganda Bull Horn ? Did I miss that somewhere ? 'Cause we don't even have a Christian Propaganda Bull Horn we put those people down every time they start pumping their lies too , I see no reason why any other religion should get an exemption.
I would like to close this "rant" , as I'm sure it will be called, with my favorite Quote from the Koran. I am certain I will be called an anti-muslim bigot for doing this , but hey. If you can't stand the facts of the religion, have you considered quitting ?
Koran 2:191 --And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where
they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight
them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if
they fight you, slay them -- such is the recompense of unbelievers --
If someone is sitting at your computer , plugging in weird devices , or even just usb sticks, that's not a hacking issue. It's a building security issue. What were you doing letting some stranger into your computer in the first place ?
Oh , they can bribe some employee to hack your system !
Newsflash. Your employee would use his own password.
Also , most techies will simply take the hard drive out of the computer and put it into another, as a SECOND hard drive, one that doesn't boot. And then loot and pillage as required, no fancy special NSA tools required.
The only thing news articles like this do is sell papers and make the news media people money.
You might as well be repeatedly warning me "don't let strangers get near your computer" we kind of already know this.
OTTAWA, Aug. 29, 2016
/CNW/ - The willing participation of Canadians has enabled Statistics
Canada to achieve the 'best Census ever,' the agency announced today.
My goodness. Not one single mention that they threatened us with JAIL if we didn't fill out the census. No no no ... we were WILLINGLY filling it out, JAIL is never mentioned, now that the census is over.
The Statistics Nazi's have now moved from threatening jail , to becoming a Propaganda service pushing their various lies to forward their cause.
You threatened every one with JAIL !!! We aint forgetting when it comes re-election time for the Boy Non-Wonder Trudeau ! You can bet it will be all over the social media when the next election comes around. !
News articles like this are a slap in the face to the canadian public.
Cisco updates advisory: "We have started publishing fixes" for NSA-linked exploits
“We have started publishing fixes for affected versions, and will continue to publish additional fixes for supported releases as they become available in the coming days,” Santos wrote.
"We have started publishing fixes" is code speak for "we can reprogram your Cisco router to do anything NSA requires of us at any time and there is diddly squat you can do about it, we'll just tell you it's a fix , and require you to download and install it"
Basicaly , if you have a router made in the USA , they can hack it any time they like and there is butt kiss you can do about it.
Are you pissed off yet ? Considering USGov routinely is caught committing industrial espionage , you should be.
I'm reading this article, I get 10 words in , and then the page changes , and I get this big thing I can't get rid of saying "Here's the thing about ad blockers" ....
Yes, I'm using an Ad blocker.
No , I'm not turning it off. You abused the privilege of ads a long time ago with your tracking cookies and your "targetted marketting" and you're treating people like sheep desperately in need of sheering.
So here's the thing about Ad blocking.
I'm not going to stop.
But I'd like you to go away. You're not offering me a service I want. I would much prefer your site shut down and go bankrupt , rather than you gather every bit of info you can about me and sell it to everyone and the dog for money. I hate you people, I despise you , and I'm sick and tired of stumbling across you where ever I go.
So , here's the thing about Ad blocking. I'm not going to stop. But I really wish you would.
An educational assistant who was based out of Sir Robert Borden High
School in Ottawa should be sentenced to 12 to 14 months in jail for
sexually exploiting a student over a two-year period, argued the Crown
attorney at her sentencing hearing Monday. Katherine Kitts, 46, was arrested in 2014 after a mother found
sexually explicit texts on her son's phone and contacted police with
concerns about Kitts's relationship with him.
What is it about this story that makes me wonder "Why couldn't I have her as a teacher when I was in high school ?"
I know I know, it's supposed to be evil, exploitive, and generally naughty. But still...it was every boys fantasy, something like this.
Let us examine a bit of her political double speak , to begin with.
Elizabeth May will not leave her post as leader of the Green Party of
Canada, despite her continuing unease with her party's vote to endorse
the principles of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement.
May said some motions were rammed through at the recent convention
without broad-based support from the the party's grassroots, adding that
all policies should be enacted by consensus. The Green leader is also pushing for a secondary confirmation vote by
all members — online or by mail — of resolutions passed by delegates at
a convention. She has previously mused that some people only joined the
party to push for the enactment of the BDS motion.
This is the interesting part. On one hand she worries that the motion to boycott Israel wasn't handled properly and the vote was rigged. Yet on the other hand she muses that people actually joined up to vote for this boycott, thus the vote was not rigged. (because that's permitted in a democracy) You can't have it both ways, May ! It's rigged or it's not rigged, make up your mind !
May added that she is confident the membership will eventually be able
to craft something that both she and supporters of BDS can endorse, but
she didn't speculate about what would happen to her leadership if the
current pro-BDS platform plank is left unchanged.
Basically , you're going to vote on it, and those muslim terrorist boycotters who think Palistine is the greatest nation in the world can stay.
So who runs Palastine anyways, Hamas ? What does Hamas have to say about all of this ?
As the Movement adopts Islam
as its way of life, its time dimension extends
back as far as the birth of the Islamic
Message and of
the Righteous Ancestor. Its ultimate goal
is Islam, the Prophet its model,
the Quran its Constitution. Its spacial dimension
extends wherever on
earth there are Muslims, who adopt Islam as
their way of life; thus, it
penetrates to the deepest reaches of the land
and to the highest spheres
of Heavens.
Why does that look suspiciously like Hamas has declared violent war on every non muslim everywhere in the world ? Hmmm...
Hello Elizabeth "Lets Boycott Israel for daring to defend themselves " May, supporter of Islamic Terror.
Charlie was born a boy, but began identifying as a girl by age
three. Despite her youth, she's no stranger to transgender activism and
the publicity it brings.
You're a 10 year old child. You haven't reached puberty yet , and you have no idea how you're going to react when the hormones start raging through you. You're NOT transgender, you're NO Gender, waiting to see what happens when the hormones start their work.
Expect Google, Apple and Comcast representatives to join the first
meeting of the robocall “strike force” this morning at the FCC. The
group, whose members include Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint and CenturyLink,
formed at the request of FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to explore solutions
to stopping unwanted robocalls to consumers.
----- ----- ----- ----- What does all this mean ? It means "Please don't everyone go out and buy a cell phone with call display and refuse to answer it if it isn't one of the ten people you have in your address book we can't make a living if we can't spam you .... oops , too late !" Basically , if you don't know who it is , don't answer. And robocalls , and everyone else , will never bother you.
Funny story. The hospital now calls me on the one and only line I ever answer (the one telling me to go get my blood tested). They used to call me from some number relayed from down in the states, but it seems every one saw it was a USA number and refused to answer it so they could never contact anyone with that number.
So I know I'm not the only one who doesn't answer "funny" numbers.
McCallum said he's hearing at his immigration consultations that there
is appetite for new arrivals to fill jobs and keep the economy going,
especially in the Maritimes with an aging population.
Yep. Why hire a canadian when you can ship the chinese from the other side of the world to work here cheap ?
Man shot in Milwaukee had a gun in his hand: police
Police Chief Edward Flynn cautioned that the shooting was still under
investigation and authorities were awaiting autopsy results, but that
based on the silent video from the unidentified officer's body camera,
he "certainly appeared to be within lawful bounds."
Congradulations on finally wearing body cams. That is going to help a great deal. Not as much as convincing your cops to stop "taxation by citation" or shooting people for "walking while black" , bit you're definately moving in the correct direction.
RIO DE JANEIRO -- Rosie MacLennan is the first Canadian summer athlete to successfully defend an individual Olympic gold medal.
She put in a stellar performance Friday at the Rio Olympic Arena to win
gold in women's trampoline, four years after winning Canada's only
title at the London Games.
"It feels incredible," MacLennan said. "I don't know how it compares but it's just absolutely amazing."
This is the Ben Johnson saga.
Win a gold , and you had to be on steroids to do it.
Didn't pay the olympic committee enough , because Canada knows this is a steroid fest and wants nothing to do with it.
The committe will "retest" any samples they have from her, "discover" the obvious that no one can win a medal without doping up skyhigh , and give the medal to someone who paid the bribes they demand.
This is why the Olympics are worthless in many eyes.
The officer with 28 years’ experience in the service ordered protestors
and passersby to be arrested during the chaotic weekend where a few
masked anarchists caused millions of dollars-worth of damage to property
on several downtown streets.
Demonstrators who were detained said some were kept boxed in or
“kettled” by baton-wielding officers on the street and exposed to cold,
rainy conditions for hours, while others were sent to a temporary
detention centre which was roundly criticized for its awful conditions.
Retired Justice John Hamilton sentenced Fenton to a reprimand and forfeiture of 30 paid days back in June.
So if the powers that be want to arrest everyone in sight and throw you all in the nearest pig stye, it's just a 30 day pay fine and we can slip that guy some cash under the table when no one is looking. He didn't even get fired. YOU KIDNAPPED hundreds of people who did nothing. The artical openly states "passers by". The rule of law is apparently dead in Canada. It seems we all live in Ferguson Missouri, here in Canada.
Condolences are pouring in for the five police officers killed and seven
who were injured after snipers opened fire on a Dallas, Texas, protest
last night. Police from across Ontario are joining in the chorus of
sympathy and offering their support.
American Police are honorless dogs , murdering the very people they are charged with protecting, simply because they don't like their skin color. Canadian police should be ashamed to be showing such criminals any kind of sympathy and support. You might as well be showing sympathy to Marc Lepine.
People who abuse their badges are the worst form of criminal imaginable.
...Jessica Raven said she was attacked on Simpson Street on Oct. 10, 2015, when she was involved in the sex trade....
...The 27-year-old said she didn't call police for two days because she was
"too scared to do anything" in the immediate aftermath of the attack....
A prostitute , and you didn't call for two days. Which means all dna evidence is tainted because you probably had other customers. what exactly are the police supposed to do ? They will not become a prostitutes enforcer and make johns pay up , and they can't run a dna test on her because she had other customers. It's a classic he said / she said that goes no where.
Police could have prevented the attack on the other woman, she said, if they had taken her October complaint seriously
No, they couldn't have. You gave them absolutely nothing to work with. I don't mean to rag on the street walkers, but you're meeting total strangers in privacy far , far away from the police , and you can't call the police when you get in trouble without incriminating yourself. It's a bad profession to be in, a very dangerous , potentially lethal profession, and you should probably get out.
If you want to stop the NSA and other nation state actors, there's
one precept that comes before all others: "If you really want to protect
your network, you really have to know your network." That's
the advice of Rob Joyce, and he should know. Joyce is the National
Security Agency's Tailored Access Operations head. In other words, the
United State's Hacker in Chief, and earlier this year he provided a rare
look at how to foil his team, or at least make their job a little more
The Cheif Hacker of the NSA, an organization with a reputation of lying to it's own Congress, not to mention every american citizen and every human being on the planet , would like you to watch a video on how to make his job harder.
I mean make his job easier.
I mean , wait ...what ? And he's still employed at NSA ? The NSA wants him to put this information out ?
No. "make his job easier" is correct. The information is likely highly tainted .
Thing about the NSA , and other government organizations. They just keep on going. They don't even wait for the storm to blow over. They got caught tapping Angela Merkal's phone (german chanceller) , they promised faithfully to stop , and then immediately hacked the phones of everyone around Angela Merkal. They have no shame , no morals...
No honesty.
Why would you listen to anything these liars have to say ?
The 2017 rent increase guideline is 1.5 per cent and applies to most private residential rental accommodation covered by the Residential Tenancies Act. The guideline is the most a landlord can increase the rent without applying to the LTB. The guideline is not applicable to:
Vacant residential units
Residential units first occupied on or after November 1, 1991
Social housing units
Nursing homes
Commercial property
There is no limit to how much a landlord can increase the rent each year for these units.
Ummm...It's 2017 , so on or after 1991 is 25+ years....
What The Heck ?
If you havn't lived in your apartment for 25 years the land lord can do anything he likes ?
Why don't you jus tshut down the whole Land Lord Tenant Board ? you're not protecting anyone if those are the rules ! Fire them all , they aint doing nothing for anyone , wasting their paychecks.
So it's not surprising that just about any time advertisers and
publishers get together these days, the question of what to do about ad
blocking is usually high on the agenda. The panel at Cannes was hosted by Randall Rothenberg, CEO of the
Interactive Advertising Bureau, who has made no secret of his contempt
for ad blockers. At an IAB meeting in January, he described ad blocking as "an
old-fashioned extortion racket, gussied up in the flowery but false
language of contemporary consumerism."
Apparently , good old Randall Rothenbert isn't getting the message.
You are scum, and no one wants to deal with you.
We don't want you spamming us.
We don't want you spying on us.
We don't want you creating advertising profiles to sell us crap.
We don't want you following us across the internet from one site to another.
We don't want 30 + advertising companies getting an instant report that we just visited some particular web site.
We don't want you altering our search results to only show your ads and no one elses. When we go looking for the best deal , a web search engine that shows us only the worst deals is of no use to us at all and we'd rather it shut down that be tricked into believing it's false results.
We don't want the latest windows 10 operating system to be custom designed just to provide you with advertising data.
We find your business to be abusive , invasive , totally dishonest, and just plain creepy.
You call ad blockers an extortion racket, but you're the one doing exactly the same thing with yahoo and google searches. Those who pay get their search results at the top. Those who do not , no one will ever see those search results.
In an age of download caps , you're pushing out 1 paragraph news articles with 3 video ad's trying to sell us cars. Why the heck does my browser have to download 3 megabytes of data to read a 1 kilobyte web page ? What the heck is up with that ?
You are a pack of ignorant wolves who are doing everything you can to ignore the simple fact that the rabbits don't want to be hunted by you. They never did , and they never will.
The committee, co-chaired by Oliphant, made 21 recommendations,
particularly that medically assisted death be made available
to "individuals with terminal and non-terminal grievous and irremediable
medical conditions that cause enduring suffering that is intolerable to
the individual in the circumstances of his or her condition," including
those suffering from mental illness. After further consideration, the committee suggested, the practice
should be opened to "mature minors." Individuals would also be able to
provide "advance requests" before their illnesses became intolerable.
Yes, lets kill off people who inconvenience us. The mentally ill , for example. Who by definition cannot consent legally to anything. We need to change those rules to let us kill them !
He is concerned with the bill's requirements that an individual be
dealing with an "incurable" illness and that the death be "reasonably
foreseeable." After speaking with doctors he wonders, for instance,
whether a prognosis of death within three to five years would be
considered to be within the reasonably foreseeable future, referring to
the case ofPatient No. 2 in Manitoba.
Oh yes ! This guy could be a burden on the medical system for five more years ! Lets kill him now ! I have an inheritence waiting and I can't collect for five years ? Get me a lawyer and lets get him killed quick !
The latter, he says, could be cruel for patients who are being treated
with morphine, requiring that they be taken off the drug and made to
suffer. This would also require medical professionals to judge
competence under difficult circumstances.
Never mind that he's not actually suffering when he's on morphine and should be allowed to live as long as he can ! Lets take him off and torture him a while. Maybe if we do it a few times he'll give up and let us kill him ? It's worth a shot !
Let the Slaughter begin ! The old , the sick , the mentally ill , the ones too young to give permission , lets get rid of them all ! The savings will be substantial ! LET THE MURDERS BEGIN !!!
Idiots. All of them. They should be forced to die with the ones they're supposed to be protecting. That will curb their urge to murder real quick ! A life for a life and all that.
They were people like Reinhold Hanning, 94, who on Friday was sentenced
to five years as an accessory to at least 170,000 deaths during his time
as an SS guard at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, from January 1943 to
/sarcasm on
Thank you so much for the free healthcare. As I am already confined to a wheel chair putting me in a jail cell makes little difference in my life.
'preciate that.
/sarcasm off
We seriously gotta stop doing these nazi's favors.
Hamilton sentenced Fenton to a reprimand, and the loss of 30 vacation days or working 30 days for free.
Apparently our constitutionally protected rights are merely optional suggestions. Don't you feel proud to live in the dictatorship of Canada ?
What's next ? Arresting people for having a private phone call that didn't go the way CSIS liked when they were spying in on the call ?
Or maybe we'll follow the example of the Americans and find some excuse to arrest people who are unlikely to vote for the incumbent politician on election day ? Thus turning a democracy into a dictatorship ?
A giant sink hole has opened up in the middle of down town ottawa, right beside the Rideau Center and Chapters, about 1 block from the Chateau Laurier . Authorities claim it will be one to two weeks to repair, and they claim they honestly have no idea what caused it, despite the huge construction pit right beside the sink hole. (one presumes they don't want to get sued by the construction company)
A lock smith was inside fixing a safe, and when he came out, his van was beside the sink hole. The cops wouldn't let him near it , and so several video's have emerged on the internet of the inevitable fall of the van into the sink hole.
No attempt was made to rescue the van , and concrete is being poured into the sink hole to stabalize it. Basically , that van is trapped as an unofficial time capsual for future generations, buried in concrete for all eternity.
Or some future project a hundred years from now decides to try their hand at street repairs on what
is essentially swamp land that section of town is built on.
A judge today lifted a publication ban on details surrounding the
shooting death of Salvatore (Sal the Ironworker) Montagna, a
high-ranking member of a New York crime family killed outside Montreal
in 2011.
Court records in the Montreal-area case show that Mounties used
wireless signal catchers to target suspects' BlackBerrys. They used that
information to intercept and unscramble BlackBerry PIN-to-PIN messages
as part of a huge organized crime investigation that this spring
resulted in the conviction of alleged mobsters in a murder conspiracy.
The media can now report that the RCMP has a "Covert Intercept Unit"
that has been relying on "mobile device interceptors" to identify
smartphones, the court records state.
(Stingray is a device that pretends to be a cell phone tower , used by law enforcement in USA and Canada)
"There's been a lot of enthusiasm in participating. We had very high
response right off the bat in early May, and it's been [a] sustained
response," (Census Program Director Marc )Hamel said.
You openly threaten legal action against anyone who doesn't fill out the forms and then you claim people are "enthusiastic" in filling them out ?
That's not enthusiasm, that's fear, and it has no place in a democracy. Jerk !
Truedau and this DICTATOR should be run out of town for this stunt. Not boasting how "enthusiastic" the response was.
The potential penalty for not completing the census is a $500 fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
The homeopathic doctor, Mir Sanaur Rahman, 55, was killed on the spot,
And ISIS finally does us a favor.
Do you know how many Homeopathic Quacks are out there demanding people stop taking real medicine and start taking their fake stuff have your credit card ready oops so sad you died I have a thousand well practiced excuses as to why it's not my fault ?
Homeopathy is legalized murder, and I have no doubt this was more about unhappy customers than terrorism.
Girlfriend got a new phone, a moto - e from motorola. It had OK google on it .
Which takes data usage.
Why ? Because it's sending everything you say across the internet to google servers , for voice recognition purposes.
And the us government can now remote activate it and use your own phone to spy on you.
Well , not her. she has no data plan, I think. (They might force the provider to provide "free data" and eat the cost for them to spy on you)
I am seriously considering going back to a plain flip phone.
They spy on everyone in the world, every google search , every facebook post, and now they're listening in on you via you're own phone. NSA has even been caught putting an illegal (or at least user unwanted) app on phones that only pretends to turn the phone off, so you think it's off and it's still spying on you.
I am so sick of the Liberals pandering to the immigrants because they know people who've been in the country a while smarten up and know not to vote for their corrupt regime. (this includes "former" immigrants who've been around a while)
All nations have the right to control their borders, to decide who gets in and who doesn't. This is a democracy and the population at the time enthusiastically voted to ban immigrants. This isn't any kind of Dark Chapter in Canadian history. This is just democracy in action. People had an opinion , the majority held it , it was acted on.
What do you think would have happened if a hundred years ago they would avoid this "Dark Chapter" by welcoming all Asian's from everywhere ? We would have been buried in immigrants, just like the European Union is right now from the Syrian War.
It is probably one of the most two faced things a politican can do , apologize and then say "but we wouldn't have done anything differently if it were us".
Ok. I filled out the census, reluctantly, online. Luckily it was short.
And I got mailed a nice big thick envelope with a threatening note on it. I'm getting sick of this Justin Trudeau crap of threatening everyone if they don't pony up their personal information so he can sell it to his business partners and they can spam the hell out of you with it.
So I'm gonna fill out this census in a perfectly truthful , though somewhat hostile , way. And tell you all about it.
On the envelope we see the afore mentioned threat. : Complete it today , it's the Law !
Given the vagrencies of Canada Post , I doubt they can tell what day you got it , or even whether or not it got lost in the mail.
Opening the envelope we see ...
A postage paid return envelope. A census form (english) another census form (french) , and a letter from "Statistics Canada" (no name given) .
Oh , there is a name at the bottom, Wayne R. Smith, Cheif Statistician of Canada.
And another threat.
Important Note : If you refuse to complete a census questionaire this information may be documented and refered to The Public Prosecution Service of Canada for further action.
The boy wonder Justin is definately not getting my vote next election.
On the other hand it says if you already filled out the census we have their thanks. And the questions arn't any different than the ones I filled out online. And they still think I might have six people living with me in this tiny little bachelor pad. ha ha.
Guess I get to toss it.
After I check out the return envelope.
Postal Code : PO box 99998 , K1A 9Z8
Dang , it's the OMPP (Ottawa Mail Processing Plant, the main mail depot in ottawa) I was hoping it was Justin Trudeau's election district. That would have made a nice controversy. Oh well ,better luck next time.
One last check of the fine print before I toss it ....
Bingo ! "Statistics Canada will obtain your income information from personal income tax and benefit records" And they reserve the right to use the information for "Other statistical and research purposes" meaning ANYTHING THEY FEEL LIKE !!!
They just gave themselves the right to sell your income tax and benifit (health information) data to anyone in the world they feel like. Since the previous census mentioned "business partners" (waaaay down deep in the small print) yeah , your income tax info and health info just became for sale to anyone with two nickles to rub together.
In 2002, when coal provided about 25 percent of our electricity, Ontario
had the lowest electricity prices in Canada. We were the nation’s
powerhouse with hundreds of thousands of well paid, manufacturing jobs.
Probably the most annoying part of this article is that a) it's marked as opinion, and b) comments are disabled. So we can't point out the error in this guys reasoning. We are left to simply accept his opinion by divine fiat, because apparently he's a reporter and he knows everything , and if we have a different opinion we need to shut up and not question him.
The decline in Manufacturing is probably more dependent on 3D printers, which are coming into play (albeit 20 000$ for a printer isn't cheap , but it's cheaper than a single worker for a year at a manufacturing plant) .
We're not allowed to point this out.
Shutting down the coal fire plants is presented as an evil thing. He goes on to claim wind turbines are causing many health problems (a wind mill is making you sick ? Give me a break ! )
And then demand that climate change supporters prove that climate change is a real thing , as if it wasn't obvious to everyone on the planet there's only so much fossil fuels and they're running out.
"Official" reporters seem to think they're god and can sprout any nonsense these days, and they don't want to hear different from anyone.
That's fairly offensive , in the days of online forums. Sheesh , I wish blogspot would allow a short forum for every post I make so I could get feed back. Though I suspect the user comments count as that, in a limited fashion.