Friday, June 17, 2016

Murderers disapointed they can't kill their relatives

Liberal MP Rob Oliphant says he can't support assisted-dying legislation

The committee, co-chaired by Oliphant, made 21 recommendations, particularly that medically assisted death be made available to "individuals with terminal and non-terminal grievous and irremediable medical conditions that cause enduring suffering that is intolerable to the individual in the circumstances of his or her condition," including those suffering from mental illness.
After further consideration, the committee suggested, the practice should be opened to "mature minors." Individuals would also be able to provide "advance requests" before their illnesses became intolerable.

Yes, lets kill off people who inconvenience us. The mentally ill , for example. Who by definition cannot consent legally to anything. We need to change those rules to let us kill them  !

He is concerned with the bill's requirements that an individual be dealing with an "incurable" illness and that the death be "reasonably foreseeable." After speaking with doctors he wonders, for instance, whether a prognosis of death within three to five years would be considered to be within the reasonably foreseeable future, referring to the case of Patient No. 2 in Manitoba. 

Oh yes ! This guy could be a burden on the medical system for five more years ! Lets kill him now ! I have an inheritence waiting and I can't collect for five years ? Get me a lawyer and lets get him killed quick !

 The latter, he says, could be cruel for patients who are being treated with morphine, requiring that they be taken off the drug and made to suffer. This would also require medical professionals to judge competence under difficult circumstances.

Never mind that he's not actually suffering when he's on morphine and should be allowed to live as long as he can ! Lets take him off and torture him a while. Maybe if we do it a few times he'll give up and let us kill him ? It's worth a shot !

Let the Slaughter begin ! The old , the sick , the mentally ill , the ones too young to give permission , lets get rid of them all ! The savings will be substantial ! LET THE MURDERS BEGIN !!!

Idiots. All of them. They should be forced to die with the ones they're supposed to be protecting. That will curb their urge to murder real quick ! A life for a life and all that.

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