Saturday, September 03, 2016

Apparently , Quoting the Koran is "Anti-Muslim"

Soldiers of Odin now 'patrolling' Edmonton streets

The Anti-Defamation League has said the organization 'can easily be considered a hate group'


Anti-muslim...hate group ...blah blah blah ... oh they  havn't done anything illegal and there have been no complanits...


Oh they put a rant on facebook  lets just mention it in passing and say what terrible people they are, lets not actually examine it we'll just call it a rant and move on...

 And what exactly does this "rant" say ? 

Islam rejects Democracy. Yeah , most every religion does that. Still, a true statement, not a rant.  Unless you got a real funny definition of "rant"

For example, in Saudi Arabia, a country ruled by Islamic law, sorcery, witchcraft, and blasphemy are all crimes punishable by death

Oohh...they dared to quote an actual real world event in a muslim controlled country ? Shocking ! 

Saudi Arabia infuses Islam in all aspects of daily life. The practice of any other religion is against the law and there is an actual Religious Police to enforce this law.

 Honest ... those muslims love canadian values ...NOT !!!

Wow, what an increadably racist piece. Actually quoting facts is now an Evil Thing, apparently. You are a racist anti-muslim pig for daring to do such a thing. What is the world coming to ?


Freedom of speach , people ! We have a right to say anything we like, ESPECIALLY if it happens to be true and we can back it up. 


When did the CBC become the Muslim Propaganda Bull Horn ? Did I miss that somewhere ? 'Cause we don't even have a Christian Propaganda Bull Horn we put those people down every time they start pumping their lies too , I see no reason why any other religion should get an exemption. 

  I would like to close this "rant" , as I'm sure it will be called, with my favorite Quote from the Koran. I am certain I will be called an anti-muslim bigot for doing this , but hey. If you can't stand the facts of the religion, have you considered quitting ? 

Koran 2:191 --And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them -- such is the recompense of unbelievers --

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