Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Donald Trump's stunning win is 'uncharted' political territory


 So why did an acknowledge sexual predetor and rapist and muslim hater win ? 

The above statement is why. 

Too many times, those who wish to be PC (Politicaly Correct) have threatened us, burned us in effigy on our own front lawns, tried to get us fired , because we don't agree with them. Heck , I agree with most things PC , lets say 9 out of 10 , but some of those things are really stupid, and they will try to get you fired if you complain about it. 

Donald Trump Won , because various women's liberation organizations stated loud and long that they shouldn't have to go to trial or produce witnesses, a man should be found guilty just on their say so, nothing more should be requried. 

Donald Trump Won because "Slowing the immigration of Muslims" isn't an evil thing. It's another way of saying "take care of american's first, whom I'm obligated to , and strangers at the door can go knock on some other door , we're full up here" ... which every PC'er will try to twist into something evil , but that's the point. Thats why they lost. 

Donald Trump Won because he hates trade deals. Which every joe on the street does the moment they find out their job just moved south to mexico. And the ten million business men shouting "TRADE IS GOOD TRADE IS GOOD GET OUT OF HERE YOU UNEMPLOYED BUM !!!" didn't win any kudo's from anyone but themselves. 

Donald Trump won because if you're an american , the NSA cause of spying on the world for the specific benifit to the american economy is a good thing for you. And non americans who don't like getting ripped off (like me !) we don't get to vote. 

Donald Trump Won because even though he vowed to bring Obama's health care system crashing down , you know he's going to bring in "The Trump Health Care System" that will do pretty much exactly the same thing, so that's really a non-issue.

Donald Trump Won because blacks and homeless largely don't get to vote.  So their opinion doesn't really matter. 

 Donald Trump won because of what Ivanna Trump DIDN'T do. Namely make a big ugly mess, accuse him of nasty things , etc etc. Hey , if you're keeping your wife happy you can't be all that bad. 

 Donald Trump Won because the american Media has been for years stating that if you don't vote for their candidate, the world as we know it will come to the end and it will be the apocalypse. And no one believes them anymore. 

Donald Trump won because we're tired of being told what to think . And when we stand alone in that poll booth , knowning that no one will know who's name we're going to put that X beside, all sorts of evil thoughts come to us. 

 And no , we probably don't regret it. Despite the talk of "Voter Remorse".  

So, lets here it for Donald Trump. Lets cancel those Free Trade agreements and bring those jobs home from Mexico back to canada. Or , Lets Trump those Trade Agreements. 






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