Zachary Quinto plays journalist Glenn Greenwald in Oliver Stone's new film Snowden (AP)
Actor Zachary Quinto has called for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to
be allowed to return to America without facing espionage charges.
Ignoring , for the moment , the fact that Quinto is an actor trying to push the movie he stared in for his own personal benefit ... Snowden isn't coming home.
He signed an agreement with the NSA to keep things secret, and the US Gov doesn't want everyone and the dog feeling that they can break that agreement, so they will persecute (yes, I meant persecute not prosecute) Snowden as best they can.
This is ridiculous logic , of course, because the NSA was breaking the law (still is !) and no one is doing anything about it (and still wont ! They're writing laws to "backdate" the NSA's actions to make them suddenly legal). The truth is they got caught doing something illegal , and they'd like to keep on doing illegal things, and they're going to crucify Snowden as an example to everyone else not to mess with them and let them continue their illegal activities.
It's called a dictatorship , by the way , when this sort of thing happens. Not democracy. DICTATORSHIP. As in the law is only for other people ? Not for the people in power ?
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