Saturday, November 05, 2016

ProtonMail strikes out at Google for crippling encrypted email service searches



ProtonMail has accused Google of hiding the company from search results in what may have been an attempt to suffocate the Gmail competitor.
The free encrypted email service, which caters to nearly one million users worldwide, has enjoyed an increasing user base and popularity over the past few years as governments worldwide seek to increase their surveillance powers. 


Why do we care ? Why is this shocking ?

Google is used world wide.  Google Android is on all the cheap phones. Android has it's own store for downloading apps. All controlled by Alphabet Inc, the owners of Google. 

Whom now , it seems are quite happy to decide who you may find on the internet , and who you may not. 

And , in case you've been asleep for the last several years since Edward Snowden , is legally required to do whatever the US Government tells it to do , and not tell anyone about it. 

Basically , some foreign nation (USGov) now controls what the entire planet can see. Oh , and they have a second set of laws , just for people who are not citizens of the united states ?

They have a set of laws for people who are not US Citizens ? You should be freaking out that such laws even exist, not yawning in boredom. They're picking up people they don't like and arresting them and they never foot on US Soil AND YOU COULD BE NEXT ... 

Why is no one freaking out over this ? 

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