Wednesday, January 10, 2007

DVD's Doomed

Doomsayers say DVDs are dinosaurs, but they're dead wrong. These discs will not only make it through the digital age - they'll thrive in it.



*I look back at massive selection of DVD's filling an entire bookcase behind myself*

I certainly have no plans on giving up my DVD collection :) . For me , they replace Television. That is to say , I don't watch the usual 11 min of highly watered down and censored show and 22 min of commercials that mostly contain testimonials (testimonials are the "legitimat , legal" way for a company to lie their butt off to you about whatever product they want to sell ) . I like my commercial free stop it anytime you need a biobreak then come back later DVD collection. And it doesn't cost me a hundred bucks a month either , I pick up a new dvd only when I have some cash in my pocket , no long term commitment , no "watch it all you want in three days and then it self destructs too bad if the download messes up by the way regular DVD's are dead trust us and buy our product" )


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