Wednesday, December 03, 2008

PM dares Dion to face voters with coalition plan


Prime Minister Stephen Harper accused Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion of betraying Canadian voters with the proposed Liberal-NDP coalition to replace the Conservative minority government, saying Dion is "turning his back" on the results of the recent federal election.

Dion Reloaded !

Mr Tax And Spend gets ANOTHER shot at being prime minister.

Mr Tax and Spend gets ANOTHER shot at taxing Alberta's oil to death and spending the "green" money mostly on stuff that has nothing to do with polluting green house taxes and everything to do with giving companies that back the Liberal party more business.

So what do we have here ?

The Liberals , who are funded by and deeply support Big Business of all stripes.

The Do Gooder NDP'ers who actually didn't do such a bad job when they got to rule Ontario a few years back, maybe we won't pick on them too much, at least they were honest dealers.

And The Bloc Quebecois who want to break up the country and send quebec on it's way.

Umm... lots of people say breaking up the country is bad ... but how can getting rid of six million welfare bums that do nothing but suck the life out of the rest of the country be bad ? Maybe we should consider letting them go ? And locking the door behind them so they don't come back ?

Just an idea, just an idea.

Actually , this coalition isn't looking too bad.

Except for the part where such coalitions are highly unstable and we are seriously unlikely to see the 18 months the Bloc promised them. If the smallest member of the coalition , the Bloc , throws in the towel and allies itself with the conservatives .. guess what ?

Bloc or NDP rolls with the conservatives, Liberals are toast. Coalition falls apart and no one rolls with the conservatives , time for another election.

This is going to be , as the americans say , a Lame Duck of a parliment , and I seriously doubt much will get done.

So you gotta wonder ,what brought this on anyways ?

Last parlimentary session the Conservatives ran a fast one over the Liberals. They allowed funding donations by private individuals only. The conservatives get all of their funding from private individuals, and the Liberals get all of their funding from big business. So they basically gutted the Liberal funding.

This parlimentary session the Conservatives went for the throat. The government itself was giving funding to the parties based on how many seats they won. And they tried to cut that off for everyone , which would have hurt themselves too , it is true , but would have hurt their arch enemies the Liberals even more.

'Nother words, they decided to try and put a bullet through the head of the Liberals and finish them off.

Thus the current life and death struggle.

personally , I don't blame them. I work for a big business, and I know the dirty tricks that goes on inside of them. I'm not allowed to talk about the details since that will cost me my job , but hey ! Everyone's got a job right ? Everyone works for a big business somewhere , right ? Guess everyone knows already and I really don't have to say how dishonest big business is after all. Everyone already knows.

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