Friday, December 12, 2008

Mounties will not be charged in B.C. taser death


VANCOUVER/TORONTO — Four Mounties who used a taser to subdue Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski moments before he died of undisclosed injuries at Vancouver International Airport last year will not face criminal charges for their conduct, B.C.'s criminal justice branch announced Friday.
Mr. Lowe says experts found the taser contributed to Mr. Dziekanski's stress, but was not the cause of death. Cardiac arrest was also found to have played a role.

Everyone remember that TV show Station 51 , pulling out the electro shock machine , putting the grease and the paddles to someone , shouting "CLEAR !" and zapping him , and the heart starts , and you save his life !

Yeah. Electricity obviously affects the heart. And equilly obviously this is well known or such machines woudln't exist.

"Cardiac arrest was also found to play a role" my left ass cheek ! You zapped him and gave him a heart attack is what happened, and you know it !

But the money is rolling in , and it's easier to sue everyone in sight and keep that money coming , they even sued an independent coroner and had him change his story on how someone died because it was bad for business !

These ass wipes need to be Tasered. Bad.

Just like this polish immigrant shown below. Hopefully with the same results.

1 comment:

Gary Baumgarten said...

We'll be discussing Taser safety at 5 PM New York time Friday December 19 on News Talk Online on

Please go to and click on the Join The Show link to participate.

