Monday, December 08, 2008

Illinois governor backs workers, will halt business with lender


Bank of America says the company has walked away and ignored its obligation to the workers. But union leaders say that since the bank received $25 billion in taxpayer funds as part of the U.S. Treasury's efforts to stabilize the financial markets, it should step in where the company has failed.

"These people would be out on the street three weeks before Christmas with nothing," national union representative Mark Meinster said. "But what's happened here is workers have decided to stand up and say no, enough is enough. You got that big bailout -- you can make sure we get the money we're owed and say, 'No, enough is enough.' "

They did the same thing in Oshawa just this past summer, one of the big three car plants I forgot which. Threaten to close the plant, government coughs up some dough to keep it open , cash the check , then close the plant anyways.

It's just good business.

Well , it's bad government. This is the problem with bailing out private companies. you get diddly squat for your money. They take it and they run. The banks are taking that 700 billion and then they're laying off workers anyways, and ripping them for their severence pay on top of it. The automakers are closing plants and running. It's all so predictable.

Throw that money into unemployment insurance. At least you'll be guarenteed some fat cat isn't dipping into it to the tune of a million dollars A MONTH , which some of them do.

Don't bail out anyone. Throw it all on pogey and extend benifits to outlast the recession. Maybe ease the rules a little on part time work so you can hold down a one or two day a week job while you're on pogey and extend it that way too.

Why do I care about whats going on in america with the big three car deal ?

Because they want a few billion from ottawa as well. Same deal. Same companies. Same take the money and run attitude.

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