Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gaza near to collapse as Israel tightens grip, says bank


Israel's blockade of Gaza is pushing the territory to the brink of collapse and fuelling the growth of a black money market controlled by Hamas, the World Bank warned yesterday.

There is also a worry that Hamas, with its dominant militant and bureaucratic control of Gaza, will begin to replace the shekel with US dollars, which are more easily obtained, to smuggle through the tunnels from Egypt in the south.

A capitalistic endeavor concearned greatly with money and not much else (a bank) is worried that Gaza might slip the hook and use USA money directly and cut them out of the loop. And what ?

. Since the end of the truce, daily clashes have resumed, with Israel launching air strikes on Palestinian rocket-launching teams and Palestinian fighters firing makeshift rockets and mortars at neighbouring Israeli towns.

Thank you for telling us you're a corrupt and dishonest newspaper by implying that the Gaza strip actually stopped firing at Israel during the truce. Truth is they were firing makeshift rockets the whole time. Some truce. Ok , now we know your word is mud. You may proceed.

Israel has been unable to find a lasting military solution to years of rocket fire from Gaza, and a series of reports from the World Bank suggests its policy of blockading the coastal area to break Hamas's control has not only failed but is now jeopardising the US-backed Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

The US-backed Palestinian Authority has not brought true peace to Israel. Through out it's entire reign , the rockets on Israel kept falling. This organization has squandered a lot of dough and brought nothing for it. Let it die.

There can be no lasting peace for Israel. Why ? Because the Islamics openly declare they want the whole world and they're just starting with Israel. And the whole world (or at least the west) has decided, "yeah , we'll just check mate them right here and keep the conflict contained instead of spreading it".

And so the west milks out those hostile to it's very existance before they can reach their shores. Good job people. It's working great so far.

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