Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Quest for a family doctor

Ottawa Boy

So. Four days later , as required by my doctor but not quite a family doctor please drop in anytime so I can bill OHIP (free medical insurance up here in canada) but don't call me a family doctor and expect me to do all the paper work that goes with it doctor , I go hunting for a family doctor.
I wanted to just make a few phone calls, but no, my wife works in the medical industry , she knows better. We'll just go to her family doctor !
Hop in the car and begin our little quest. Feed the driver, get dropped off at a clinic. First words out of my mouth before we even tell them our names. "Are you accepting new patients ? I need a family doctor. "
"We always accept walk ins , but as for the family doctor ...." yadda yadda yadda , long practiced speach that amounts to "no."
Turn to my wife. "Lets blow this joint. " We left.
Up the street , another clinic. Yes, they are accepting new patients for a family doctor. Yes we can see you as a walk in too for that leg you're obviously limping on.
Two o'clock.
This is a friday by the way , rush hour time when everyone gets off work and decides nows the time to clean up a few details since they have the whole week end ahead.
Four o'clock. Doctor see's me. Looks at my ankle. It's ok. Not great, I still limp , but I aint on crutches anymore. Looks at my belly. Puts is hands on it, pushes down here and there, he can feel something just like the last doctor. More pain ? Yes. On medication ? Yes, brought the box with me since I knew I'd never remember the name. Turn's out it's just an anti-acid of some kind.
Nope, anti acid not working , probably not your stomache.
"So , you'll be my family doctor , right ? "
"You don't need a family doctor, you need a surgeon boy. Get yea to the hostipital. " (I'm paraphrasing , he was actually a lot nicer spoken than that). He was going to call me an ambulance, but I had a ride and I said I'd go there directly.
I was half way to the hospital . "Nuts ! I still don't have a family doctor ! "

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