Sunday, May 29, 2005

Crones Disease

Ottawa Boy
There were a few more tests. But they were nothing , just simple x-rays, the vampire nurse showing up at my bedside every second day to take her quota of blood, I didn't scream when they jabbed me anymore. (The floor nurses are as bad as the emergancy nurses by the way, except for this one nurse who'd been there for years and years, turned out all she did was take blood... again when this expert did it there was no pain at all, didn't even feel the prick. Dang Emergancy Nurse Vampires ! )
Ten days in the hospital under their minstrations and either no food and water at all or just an iv and a few liquids I'm allowed, I'm now two belt sizes smaller.
Biopsies came back. It's not cancer. They're still debating what it is.
Family came down from Toronto after hearing I have cancer. Took a day off work and everything. Got me a hospital TV and a phone and everything. I didn't have the heart to tell them I hate TV. This whole 22 minutes of show and 38 minutes of comercial in an hour.. you're half how tv show is only 11 minutes of show ? Waste of my time ! Brother brought me in a lap top and sister a computer toy of her own as well. But the TV was costing them mony , and you can't borrow money for the rent from them if you let them blow it all on a TV you don't even use , right ? Pretty much was point blank about it. Get rid of the TV. 10$ a day is just ridiculous. Thats 300 a month and they planned on keeping it up as long as it I was in. Get rid of it quick so they'd still have money I could bum from them if need be.

Yes, during my whole hospital visit, I had visions of being told "you're cured ! You can go home now ! " ... " what home ? I missed the rent and they booted me out and I'm now homeless" dancing in my head. The nurse told me I needed to concentrate on other matters and quit worry about it , but what other matters ? You just agree to whatever savagery the doctors want to inflict upon you and wait it out, the rent I could do something about that I couldn't, what do you mean I need other priorities ?

Long story short, I have Crones Disease, a disease with no known cause and no known cure. They think , maybe , it's your immune system attacking your intestines thinking it's a forien object or something, maybe, thats their going theory, but it's not proven. It was hard to diagnose in my case ( ie: many many tortures inflicted upon me) because It usually only attack's the upper small intestines and leaves the lowers alone, but I'm special. Me it was the Colon only and my small intestines turned out to be free of it.
They kept me in suspense for a few days over whether they were going to chop out about 90% of my colon and stitch up the remainder or not, but the fact that that only gives me a "fresh start' , it might and usually did flare up again later anyways, no matter what they did , probably decided them against it.
Drugs, some kind of steroids to reduce inflammation. Tapper it off after two weeks since long term steroids are bad, and wait for the next flare up.
Since I'd been living with minor symptoms of the disease for well on 10 years now before it flared up bad, with no treatement at all. the notion that yea, after they clear up this bout it could be 5 , even 10 more years before the next flare up , seemed pretty reasonable to me. And if the med's stopped working , and if in 5 or 10 years new meds didn't show up on the scene to replace the old's that stopped working , then they operate anyways.
Basically it was a race. I only have so many years left to live, and with flare ups 5 - 10 years apart... I could expect to make it through the rest of my life on meds only. They would only have to fool my immune system a few times before it caught on and made them stop working.
Of course, there's the fact that my face will swell up like a chickmunk while I'm on these steroids, and probably my ankles too... but my prescription only reads for two weeks. Thats livable.
Now my only question was ... how much are these steroids gonna cost me ? Have to hit the pharmacy and find out.

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