Sunday, May 29, 2005

First Hospital Visit

Ottawa Boy
Congratulations. You have "diver ticulitus" (probably misspelled it) . Basically small holes in your colon ( the part of your intestine just before the digested food exits your body) and it leaks, causing an abcess. That's what we're feeling on our tests. Will just give you some anti-bodies for a few days and yer out of here.

This kills monday and tuesday , my days off, with me hooked up with a constant iv in my arm leaking stuff into me. Wednesday they kick me out.

A HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE dollars in anti-biotics ? And I had to pay that cash out of pocket too since I don't have insurance. I pay up and keep the receipte. I noticed something or other on my company web site about insurance. Never checked into it, but for a hundred plus bucks that would be the first order of business when I get home.
Well , my doctors note carries me over so I don't have to go to work until tuesday. But monday is queen victorias day , double time and a half , but you have to work the day before as well. And my work schedule has me booked for sunday and monday. And all I do is sit at a desk and answer phones, I can go back a little early , right ? So I'll just lounge around until saturday, maybe even show up at work saturday just to make it look good, and hey, it's a free holiday with a get out of jail free card ( doctors note) and no regrets.
Friday morning my wife gets up at five to go to work. I have to get up anyways to take the anti biotics. I have half a glass of water.
And throw it up.
I wait a bit. She has to go , and if I'm going to be off work I don't want her off too, someone's gotta pay rent, I almost literally boot her out. I'm already shy a couple of days pay lets not make this any worse.
Time rolls around again for my meds. Try taking just one pill , some water. Wait.
Twenty minutes later, I up chuck it into a bucket. A HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE DOLLARS that I paid out of my pocket is now winding up in the dang bucket instead of my belly where it can do me some good. Now I'm pissed off.
And it's friday again. Everything in the hospital is closed. No x-rays. No ultra sounds. Just a four hour wait to see a doctor to be told "yup. You're a sick puppy. Pity everything is closed. We WILL call you tommorow. "
Now I'm really pissed off.

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