Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Refugee sponsors face moral, ethical dilemmas

Refugee sponsors face moral, ethical dilemmas


...After investing so much, accepting the woman's decision was emotionally difficult for Le Jeune. She is now hoping to find a different refugee family to sponsor...


 Loosely translated, you are sponsoring a bunch of strangers. 

As a canadian , my primary concern would be if these people are going to go radical and start shooting people. And guess what ? You can't answer that question. These people are total strangers to you , you're hoping Canadian Foreign affairs can screen a bunch of people with no documents who could have come from anywhere, who know we're sponsoring "Syrian" refugee's, so of course they're going to claim to be from Syria. 

No one knows anything , and everyone hopes it will work out. 

Lets do the math. If you're only wrong one time in a thousand about these people, you've just let 25 terrorists into the country. 

Congratulations Justin Trudeau. You must be so proud. I'm going to hold you personally responsible if they blow up something. 

Not that anyone will care ... especially not him... 











1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad I got out of the future Caliphate of Canada when I did. Even if the infinitesimally small chance that none of them are terrorists actually comes true, just wait until they bring in all their brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles and then demand that the Canadian Government recognizes Sharia Law. I'm sure the Liberals will be marching in the streets right there alongside them protesting for it.

Next thing you know, it's Dhimmitude for Canadians.

Dhimmitude: The state of non-Muslims living a restricted life as second-class subjects of an Islamic state