Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Help Support Terrorism

Ottawa Police officers raise money to run school in Somalia


A group of Ottawa Police officers are raising money to help run a school in Somalia.
The school was built in 2012, from the fundraising efforts of Const. Moe Elmi, a community policing officer in the Herongate area, who dreamed of creating a brighter future for kids in his native country.

 Somalia is an unsecured country. Islamic Terrorists run around shooting and murdering people all the time. And Islamics are especially fond of schools , where new terrorists are trained and raised , not to mention young girls are taken to be trained to love being raped ...I'm sorry , that is a false accusation you can only make that accusation with four male witnesses agreeing with you , otherwise you just confessed to extra-maritial sex which is a death sentence in that country so you better stay quiet no matter what they do to you little girls ... and anyone who disagree's gets shot by the terrorists, thanks for standing in the same place ( a building) just waiting for them to drop by when the coast is clear. 

In other words. Thanks for supporting terrorism in the middle east. 

Secure the area first people, then let the civilians and schools and stuff in. Anything else is just handing stuff to the terrorists. 


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