Sunday, April 05, 2009

'Scientism' infects Darwinian debates


Yep. We bull sh*t artists ..we invented the term Creationism to mean that CHRISTIAN religion is dominant , and all other religions ,and science, which makes claims at being no religion at all but all us CHRISTIANS know it's a religion and we justly accuse it of such , ye'r not buying it. so for you ignorant bound for hell servants of the devil infidels , we have denigraded ourselves to producing yet another lie to trick you into the one true religion. We hope you appreciate how we have contaminatet ourselves for your benifit please come over here and volinteer to be our slaves ... I mean I mean ... convert to the one true religion ...

We call it "Scientism"

The Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics defines scientism as "an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of natural science to be applied to all areas of investigation (as in philosophy, the social sciences and the humanities)."

We will start with taking quotes from a religious work that kind of happens to have th word "Science" in the middle of it ... but really ...has nothing at all to do with that institution. Is in fact reviled by that institution.

This is blinkered.

It defaults to atheism. And it assumes incorrectly that what we believe, and the way we live, is always based on provable "facts," which do not include conjecture, speculation or imagination.

EARTH TO DOUGLESS TODD ! EARTH TO DOUGLESS TODD ! COME IN PLEASE ! The notion that some super sentient god didn't create man , that the random forces of physics and chemistry did it ... *IS* Atheism. That our "creator" is random non sentient non aware not particularily intelligent or even difficult to understand forces of physics and science created the whole universe, including us , is in fact ,what science is all about.

Everyone would agree, however, that evolution is also a theory that is incomplete.

Unfortunately , the same *EVERYONE* would agree that THE BIBLE is a pack of lies from beginning to end and every page in between.

If you're going to applies the rules of scientific evidence to this debate, lets start with applying them to their alternative shall we ? Lets apply them to the bible as well... (Council of Bishops agreeing on what they will and will not admit in to their holy book three hundred years a time when humans have a life span of 35 years ...that would be ten life times later of pure heresy and nothing written down ) oops ... the bible doesn't pass muster..toss it in the trash ... lets move on ...

When more evolutionary scientists open up to the insights of philosophers and those from other disciplines, I believe their beloved theory will itself evolve. It will become more complex and more elegant.

Let me rephrase that.

When those evolutionary DUNDERHEADS stop looking at the facts and start going more with their gut feelings, which by the way have a truely horrible record of accuracy but they do make me feel good so I'm happy about that. I feel good about that. Then ... I believe they can give up their persuit of knowledge and can be content with simply ...feeling good. This will be a beautiful thing.

Can you smell the excriment you are dripping all over your website ? no ? I didn't think so. It's because you're a religious fanatic , you have the truth in your hand it was given to you by a bunch of goat herders who lacked the capability to actually read and write, and so they must be the wisest men in the universe and nothing they say could ever be wrong and anyone with a grade two education or better must be lying to you ... and thats *THE TRUTH* as your gut feeling tells you it is.

And thats just good enough. My gut feeling tells me it is so.

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