Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Iran's president welcomes 'honest' talks with U.S.


"The Iranian nation welcomes a hand extended to it should it really and truly be based on honesty, justice and respect," Ahmadinejad said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

When a middle eastern muslim uses the word "Justice", he's not interested in any kind of fair play. He's interested in Islamic Law, which is by the way one of the more unjust systems of law in the world. It promotes conversion by the sword, and virtual enslavement of it's worshippers to the Iman, the preists of that religion, and democracy is strictly forbidden.

His version of respect is "Let us build our nukes so we can destroy Israel and conquer the world, including *YOU*"

In other words, this middle eastern white boy is telling the american black "on your knee's slave ! You loved it in the cotton fields , now we got a new place where you can wear some more chains !"

Yeah. Right.

He's giving Obama a real good education on world affairs , isn't he ?

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