Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Kangaroo Bites Back !

Letters Give C.I.A. Tactics a Legal Rationale

The humiliating and degrading treatment of prisoners is prohibited by Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.
At the same time, the official said, “there are certainly things that can be insulting that would not raise to the level of an outrage on personal dignity.”

So we're allowed to insult them ? But not torture, humilate, or degrade our prisoners ? Umm...when did these wacky rules come to be ?

Well son, I'll tell you. *lights a pipe*
A long time ago there was a string of dictators , starting with hitler , but moving along to various tin pot dictators all over the world. Sadam Hussain is a good example of a recent one. And so we set up these geneva conventions with a bunch of rules that if they broke , we could convict them on.

Umm... I don't think a dictator cares about what the outside world things of his mass murdering ways.

Well , we take down and capture a few, like Sadam Hussain, and we put them on trial.

Umm.. you can't put him on trial. Thats like putting the government of a nation on trail. He didn't break his own laws, he's the law maker. Thats a Kangaroo court.

Yep, Son. It is a kangaroo court. But the public eats it up and loves it.

Umm... But then you're stuck with a bunch of stupid rules left over from these Kangaroo courts that only interfere in your actions, since your the ones running the courts. The dicators still ignore them and openly torture and murder not only their onw people but yours as well.

Yep, they do.

So , these Kangaroo courts are all coming back to haunt us.


Can we skip the Kangaroo court next time ? And just line that next dictator up against the wall and shoot him ? This is getting annoying.

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