Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bell's internet traffic shaping 'defies all logic,' ISPs say


"The notion that the five per cent who are allegedly the cause of the problem are chewing up ever-increasing shares of the total capacity of Bell’s fibre-based … backbone network, its fibre-based transport networks, its fibre-fed remotes, or individual copper lines is not only improbable, it defies all logic and reason," CAIP said.

The only way your accusations might be true would be if Bell had a huge excess capacity that wasn't being eaten into by bit torrent users, and they were somehow hiding it.

But that's not what you suggest. Instead you go on to suggest that you are somehow placed at a disadvantage by Bell imposing the same rules on you as it has imposed upon itself. That somehow operating on a level playing field harms your business.

Meaningless babble by a business man trying to confuse the issue for his own financial gain. And rightly ignored.

I don't much like Bell's throttling policy, especially if they're applying it to online gamers (I keep hearing such rumours but I don't use bell internet). But false and out right dishonest arguments arnt' doing anything but helping Bell, not stopping those nitwits.

Have you ever heard the phrase "Stop being on my side !" ?

As for my argument against bell ...

I have a great business plan ! Lets only service customers that are light or very light internet users. Everyone else we'll throttle down to frustratingly slow speed and convince them to bugger off onto rogers ! Yeah , that way rogers will have all the high band width users, and we'll have all the low ones, and we'll make a tonne of money without having to hardly do anything while they have to work their butts off !
What a great idea !

I believe this is thier plan.
I also believe it's a stupid plan , since people who are light users of the internet are just trying it out , and they'll either turn into heavy users (get hooked on for example) or they'll just quit. That leaves you with a bunch of newbies who either quit on you because they decide they don't need the internet , or they quit because they really get into it and become heavy users and have to move over to rogers where the bandwidth limits are handled differently , and loosely enough to let them continue their youtube addiction.

I also wonder about their cell phone division. Doesn't the fact that I'm a disgruntled customer and I will never ever buy another cell phone from them again , and certainly never sign a three year contract , doesn't that fit into their grand scheme somewhere ? Doesn't the fact that I'm not the only one , I"ve heard a couple of people at work , expressng the very same sentiments, doesn't that figure somewhere ?

In a management world where you only worry about the next three months, and three years is an eternity away ... probably not , no. Probably there is no place in their calculations for such notions.

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