Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Alright, who's the clown ?


"We express our strong condemnation to the deliberate disruption of the Olympic torch relay by Tibetan separatist forces regardless of the Olympic spirit and the law of Britain and France," China spokeswoman Jiang Yu said.

"Their despicable activities tarnish the lofty Olympic spirit and challenge all the people loving the Olympic Games around the world."

Alright, who's the clown ?
Not the Chinese spokeswoman speaking lies out of both sides of her face, thats obvious. No, I want to know who's the clown crushing these protests and actually letting the olympics continue.

Ya gotta know lots of people aint gonna watch it. I certainly want nothing to do with it. And what is any business doing buying advertising in this public relations nightmare anyways ? Do they want to tarnish their name with the blood of the innocent ?

Yes I know we now sell junk to china and some trade minister is afraid to upset that apple cart. But I'm not ! I don't think we should have anything to do with "their despicable activites" and we should be moving towards a total boycott of all things china.

And I know people out there are already advocating this , but somehow , it's suddenly just not making the news.

Who's the clown running this show ? Certainly not the will of the people, that much is obvious.

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