Another fold away keyboard , the article trying to sell it to you as a cool gadget is here , and I recommend you NOT get it ! Why ?
I had a palmtop once , before my sister traded it for an old lap top. (I say my sister, not my sister and I , because apparently this trade happened despite my protests to the contrary, relatives can be like that sometimes) and I bought a fold up keyboard that worked through the infrared port on it.
The thing worked , mechanically, as advertised. This did not change the fact that you were staring at a 2" x 3" screen that is horrible on your eyes and only barely adequate for one or two minutes at a time. Any attempt to use it for longer than that and your eyes start killing you.
You can see the pic above i swiped from the site how big the screen is compared to the keyboard, and that keyboard is actually smaller than the one your typing on now , if you're on a regular desk top computer.
The keyboard and others like it work great !
You can't stare at your palm top for more than a few minutes at a time before you have to stop.
You'll never use the keyboard after the first time or two.
Forget it.
Now, try to sell me a really big magnifying glass for my palm top , and you might have a customer here.
(edit) After rereading this artical I realized no where does it say that the keyboard is for a palm top computer , the idea of it being fold up is that it can fold up and fit in your shirt (or at least coat) pocket and come along with you without you having to carry a brief case or anything, the primary point of palm tops. Better mention that now.
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