Monday, August 08, 2005

20-year mission in Afghanistan

Ottawa Boy

News Article

"Every time you kill an angry young man overseas, you're creating 15 more who will come after you," he said.

We have to worry about ticking them off ? What about them ticking us off ? That rule applys to the 3000 americans who died in the world trade center you know. And judging by the number of terrorists that keep getting deported here in canada because they have ties, or they were taking photo's of Parliment hill for their friends in Afghanistan to plan an operation or something , we're a target too !

All of this blather about don't tick off the terrorists, but they're already doing what they can to hit us, You can't tick them off any more than they already are.

Kick them in the balls, and when they fall kick them a few more times until they're out of it. What is this soft pedal stuff ? They're killing innocent civilians. Kill them all.

That could be me hopping on a bus and getting caught by some suicide bomber next, and at that point my sympathy for their cause is zero.

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