Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bye Bye TV

And I thought I was the only one who hated TV.

News Article

If you're a young Canadian between the ages of 18 and 34, you likely don't spend a lot of time in front of a television set. You're much more likely to be online, downloading music and movies, and playing games. You want choice. You want control.

In short, you're already scaring the pants off television producers and advertisers everywhere.

The internet is now the medium of choice for young Canadians. A recent Ipsos-Reid poll shows that Canadians aged 18 to 34 spend an average of 14.7 hours a week online and 11.7 hours listening to radio – a strong second-place finish for a medium once thought to be on the decline due to the internet's growing influence.

Television comes up third with 11.6 hours of average weekly viewing.

This is very interesting , as I sit here on my computer, listening to my mp3 player loaded up with downloaded music, bored because my favorite online game , World of Warcraft , is down right now and won't let me log in. (they always have problems... too many players I think. )

There is a TV in the living room, and because my internet is through the cable tv lines, I get some basic TV on it that I'm not paying for. But it's crap, and I wouldn't pay for it anyways. And , as you probably guessed by now, I'd rather be blogging and surfing the internet than watching the Boob Toob as I like to call it.

Behind me lies a selection of over 100 DVD's , favorite movies I've picked up over time , one here one there. I throw one into my computer every now and then and watch it when I'm really bored. The video place across the street offers trade in's, they'll buy you're old DVD's , but I don't do that. I want my collection to get larger , not smaller. I don't plan on dumping any of them. About once every two weeks I pick up another dvd to add to the collection. Maybe once a week in summer / fall when a spate of good ones come out.

My favorite TV show to quote (not to actually watch , I don't even know if it even runs anymore) is called This Hour Has 22 Minutes, the title being a comment on the fact that if you pull out a stop watch and time the TV for an hour, only 22 minutes of actual show will be there, and 38 minutes of commercials. Something that rings in my head every time I get dragged over to a friends place and they turn on the boob tube and a commercial pop's up.

There was a show called Highlander once, I rented a tape on it. Sucker ,it wasn't the movie, it was two tv episodes back to back. TV episodes. With the comercials removed. Ran 45 minutes for both episodes (according to the cover). Now if that doesn't turn you off TV (assuming you were searching for the TV version and not the original movie) nothing will.

Bye Bye Television.
I won't miss you.

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