Saturday, September 22, 2012

Outsourcing Goes Crazy

The workplace of 2025 will be wherever you want it


Ever wished you'd never met your boss and your colleagues were holograms?
Within less than a generation, it might be the norm.
The prospect of working with people you'll never actually meet and communicating with virtual colleagues are two of the potential scenarios identified by leading thinkers into how workplaces will evolve by 2025.

 Yadda yadda yadda , soon we'll be working from home and telecommuting everywhere. 

Where is home ? 

I will tell you. 

Home is wherever the lowest wage earners are. That means China. That means India. That means The Philippines. 

It does not mean the USA , or Canada , or most of Europe. 
This article , true as it is, isn't warning us of an incoming blessing. It's warning us of an incoming disaster. 

I remember seeing a breif ad like this from the 1930's. Capitalists would invest in manufacturing, workers would push a few buttons and mostly sit around doing nothing , items would be produced by mechanical robots, every one prospered. 

What really happened, of course, was that the workers didn't sit around doing nothing. They got fired. 

Virtual Office's are good for the Chinese. They're not good for us Canadians. The few people that have to be on the ground doing the repairs will be bossed over by cheap people from dollar a day countries. And then even that will vanish as the "on the ground" people are replaced by remote controlled robots. Remote controlled from the Phillipines. 

So how are we going to be able to afford all these services if we can't hold a job , because some guy in China , for a dollar a day  , is remote controlling a robot over the internet and has kicked us out of work ? 

We need "Protectionist" Legislation. We all do. There's a difference between letting forieners have a few of our jobs and we have a few of theirs , and letting them have all the jobs and leaving us with nothing. Thats just not going to work out.


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