Sunday, September 23, 2012

Aurora shootings: Survivors sue owners over security


Three people injured in the Colorado theatre massacre in June are suing the cinema owners over inadequate security.
Cinemark USA "failed to provide for the safety and security of its theatre and its patrons," the lawsuit says.
Measures "would likely have prevented or deterred the gunman from accomplishing his planned assault on the theatre's patrons", it says.

 Some minimum wage employee (ha ! like a minimum wage actually exists in the USA) left a door open , is the basis of the lawsuit.

Why are they suing the theatre for some crazy gun man shooting the place up ?

Because suing the NRA wouldn't work.

Because suing every tom dick and harry that sells guns and ammo to anyone who wanders by wouldn't work.

Because the gun industry is so huge down there that they routinely spend millions covering up any reaction to someone dying because of their products, accuse you of having a political agenda, etc etc etc.

Because suing the movie theatre for one of their low paid employee's going on a smoke break might actually work , but suing anyone else wont.

Work at winning the law suit and getting money for the complaintants that is. I won't do a thing to prevent the next maniac who's decided to shoot some place up with a gun.

They say Quebec is an occupied nation of the Hells Angels. Well, I know for certain the USA is an occupied nation of the NRA. And they're not going to let go of that place no matter how many innocent people die.

There's just too much money to be made.

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