Friday, September 14, 2012

Ontario Works sept 14

Should I actually title this Ontario Works ?
I'm not actually on Ontario Works yet, not until I move out at the end of the month.

Ran an errand on my bike to the hospital to pick up the paper work that says I have various debilitating conditions. Doctor only checked off Diabetes. Not Chrones Disease ? No , they wanted that only if I was losing so much weight (it didn't say over how long a period... I lost 25 pounds in the last 2 years does that count ? apparently not) . Well , that's understandable. Chrones disease normally occurs in the small intestine where it messes up your ability to absorb nutrition. Mine is in the large intestine where , among other fascinating topics that you don't want to discuss over dinner, it messes up the large intestines job of water absorption.

Well , such is life.

Getting better on the bike. Only rested once on the way there, and once on the way back.  Two days ago it was twice. Yesterday I couldn't bear to get on it my rear was just too sore :)

Wife decided to hit the Casino.
I have learned not to bad talk the Casino. It is her religion , trash talking it give her bad luck  and therefore it's my fault when she doesn't win. (Am I wacky or does this sound suspiciously like some kind of cult ??? ) She's ticked because she's going to have trouble making rent at the end of the month since I'm gone.

As if me staying and depending on her for everything is going to improve the matter.

She lost the money she brought , and then was angry with me on the bus home. She actually stated she came to the casino to win and solve all her problems , but since that didn't happen she was depressed. And it was all my fault.

Am I wonked for believing that if your monthly budget assumes you actually win at the casino you're doing it wrong ? Well , I can't even discuss it with her because it starts a fight because she thinks I'm giving her bad luck and causing her to lose.

and we're home again.

And I've learned to answer the question "How much money do you have" with "Not enough" and if she presses me "This money is my last. There is no replacing it. I'm sorry. "

and yes, she nicked me for 5$ because she saw I had a fiver in my wallet. And when she got home she decided not to repay me.

Love you dear , but you can be nasty sometimes.

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