Sunday, September 23, 2012

Morsi: Egypt will not be dictated by US rules


US unpopular in region because of its 'very clear' biased position towards Israel, Egypt's president tells New York Times.


Morsi criticized U.S. dealings with the Arab world, saying it is not possible to judge Egyptian behaviour and decision-making by American cultural standards. He said Washington earned ill will in the region in the past by backing dictators and taking "a very clear" biased approach against the Palestinians and for Israel.
"Successive American administrations essentially purchased with American taxpayer money the dislike, if not the hatred, of the peoples of the region," he told the paper in the interview published late Saturday, drawing a clear distinction between the American government and the American people.

 Reading this article is fascinating. The realization that this person who is the president of a nation has very different thought processes than we do.  It is an unquestioning part of his belief system that Israel is evil, and by extension anyone who helps Israel is evil. It is an unquestioning part of his belief that if you're not a muslim , you are scum. And he is now tired of treating scum as if they were real people. He's sick of it ,and he's not going to do it any more.

Oddly enough , he's not sick and tired that his religion is broken into three major factions, and they're all at each others throats. He's not sick about his own people living in poverty under one corrupt regime after another, when the solution (democracy) is staring him right in the face.

And he's not sick and tired that this religion he is defending meets the definition of Evil. It murders innocent people (it's own worshipers, wrong faction matter what faction you are, you're the wrong faction to someone and you're going to get murdered by someone). It lies to it's own people. It claims Mohammad the prophet can see into the future (Hadiths , or sayings of the Prophet , that quote things that could not possibly have been known during his life span) despite the fact that Mohammad states in his Koran he is just a man when he isn't possessed by the spirit of the angel Gabriel.  That he can't even read and write without Gabriel possessing him (thus all Hadiths , which were never written down by Mohammad , are highly suspect).

Even if you accept their viewpoint that they need not keep faith with the faithless, that only Islamics count, they've been murdering and going to war with each other for decades.

But he's not sick of that.

He's only sick of it , when someone thinks they shouldn't step on their turf, when someone thinks you can piddle in your own pond and do whatever you like over there , but don't bring that mess over here.

That would be the only time he's sick of it.

Of course, he cannot see his own hypocrisy. If Hypocrites could see , they wouldn't be Hypocrites after all.


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