Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Statisticians eager for new Canadian census data

Statisticians eager for new Canadian census data

For the United Church of Canada, the census data has been the backbone of a massive project to revive and grow its congregations.

From the 2006 census, church executives knew that 3 million Canadians identified themselves as affiliated with the United Church. But they could only track about 500,000 of them showing up on any given Sunday.

A church is using this data go increase it's congregation. I gotta ask. Is this a good thing or a bad ? Is it an abuse of the statistics ? Isn't there some kind of law about church and state being seperate ?

Businesses often rely on census-related data to figure out where to expand, and even what kinds of goods and services to carry. That's because the census has key information about population diversity and immigration, said Doug Norris, a former senior census official with Statistics Canada who is now the chief demographer for Environics Analytics.

And heres the real problem I have with the whole census thing. We get enough junk mail and advertising in our mail box , in our email , flyers on our door , if it was anyone else we'd be suing them for harrasment. These people are openly hiring psychologists and boasting loudly that they are searching for when we are weakest so they can trick us into buying their products.

Why are we being forced to help them ? Why do they even have access to this data ? Why are we helping those who treat us like chattel and seek only to lead us to the slaughter house so they can make a fast buck ?

This government data has no business being shared with anyone outside the government. No churches, no businesses, no private organizations that claim they're here to help but really will act as a back door to sell everything for a fast buck to support their "cause" .

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