(care of http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/president-obama.html )
Welcome President Obama.
But ... but .. he's black !
It's about time. You know how far USA lags behind the rest of the world on social issues like that ? Now all they need is a woman president to finish it off and catch up with everyone else.
But .. but ... he has no experience ! His resume is empty !
The good old white boys that preceded him made quite a mess of the WHOLE WORLDS financial system, and they had impeccable resume's. I think it may be impossible for him to do worse.
He's shutting down Guantanamo !
I have no sympathy for terrorists caught in the field of battle or in terrorist training camps. But torture does nothing but bring you false information , Histories Spanish Inquisition demonstrated this quite nicely we really didn't need to repeat the lesson. And these drum head trials where the defense lawyers are crippled so as to always always get a conviction just brings into disgrace the entire judicial system. Those people are incompetant , and need to be fired. And the penalty needs to be paid for such idiocy. Close it , and let them go. We'll catch them again if they continue their ways.
Didn't he just decide to spend another 825 BILLION american dollars on top of the 700 billion Bush allocated ? Where is he getting the dough from ?
Umm... there is only one place to get that kind of cash. Print it.
Yep, start laying your bets that the american dollar is gonna drop , cause pretty soon we're gonna be up to our eye brows in it.
He's gonna abandon Iraq !
That was inevitable. They're fighting a war on too many fronts, no matter how just it may be. Bush was an idiot , he went in because he was ticked at Saddam Hussain. Made a bad mess worse. Saddam deserved what he got , but the vengence cost too much. Presidents arn't supposed to lose their temper and get their countries into deep doo doo, thats a no no.
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