NDP targets Ignatieff with attack ads
New Democrats unleashed the first in a series of radio ads Thursday lambasting the newly minted Liberal leader for propping up Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government.
Ding Dong The Coalition's Dead , Which Coalition ? The Wicked Coalition !
Ding Dong the Coalition's Dead , Wake up sleepy head , Get Out of Bed !
Thursday, January 29, 2009
'Buy American'
As passed by the House, section 1110 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 says, "None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this act may be used for a project for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public building or public work unless all of the iron and steel used in the project is produced in the United States."
Very nice mr obama.
We need a buy Canadian Clause ourselves ! If we bail anyone out, they cannot buy their goods from anywhere but Canada ! You have to spend our tax payers dollars inside of Canada not give them to some forien nation , I totally agree.
Welcome to the new trade war.
As passed by the House, section 1110 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 says, "None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this act may be used for a project for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public building or public work unless all of the iron and steel used in the project is produced in the United States."
Very nice mr obama.
We need a buy Canadian Clause ourselves ! If we bail anyone out, they cannot buy their goods from anywhere but Canada ! You have to spend our tax payers dollars inside of Canada not give them to some forien nation , I totally agree.
Welcome to the new trade war.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
You need to do better than leave a comment that says ...
"I Like this blog ! But I'm into this other kind of blog !
Go to this link and sign up as many times as you like !!!"
((insert obvious spammer / rip off link ))
Yeah ... comments like that I just delete. I don't even
respond to them. Sorry.
"I Like this blog ! But I'm into this other kind of blog !
Go to this link and sign up as many times as you like !!!"
((insert obvious spammer / rip off link ))
Yeah ... comments like that I just delete. I don't even
respond to them. Sorry.
Obit: the coalition
Liberal-NDP coalition (supported by Bloc Quebecois)
Dec. 1, 2008 to Jan. 28th, 2009.
It was with mixed emotions that the death of the Liberal-NDP/Bloc coalition was announced this morning in Ottawa.
Sorry. I just had to reference this article. It gave me a few chuckles, and in this gloomy time , thats usually a good thing.
Liberal-NDP coalition (supported by Bloc Quebecois)
Dec. 1, 2008 to Jan. 28th, 2009.
It was with mixed emotions that the death of the Liberal-NDP/Bloc coalition was announced this morning in Ottawa.
Sorry. I just had to reference this article. It gave me a few chuckles, and in this gloomy time , thats usually a good thing.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tories hint at tax cuts for those earning under $80,000
The latest leak in what has become a famously leaky budget process suggests the Conservative government plans to announce tax cuts for people with incomes under $80,000 a year.
"We've had a lot of information trickle out of the last couple of days," the CBC's Margo McDiarmid
Slander. They're not "leaking" , they're announcing. Leaking implies they're doing something sneaky and behind peoples backs. these guys are standing right out there and passing it out with no attempt to hide who's doing it.
Such moves could lead to a showdown with the opposition Liberals, whose leader, Michael Ignatieff, argues that broad-based, permanent cuts are a bad idea at this time.
"Some targeted tax measures to help the most vulnerable, I could support," Ignatieff told CBC News on Tuesday. "But if this then gives us a huge deficit problem which will take a decade to fix, that's not a good trade-off for Canadians, and they'll be concerned about it, as I am."
This constant step on the little guy attitude of the liberals , no matter who is in power, is going to get them turfed from politics entirely. It ranks right up there with the USA's health care system. It's too expensive to treat you so you need to go over there in the corner out of our sight and just die and quit costing us money. This is the attitude of the liberals, and I think they need to stop it.
The latest leak in what has become a famously leaky budget process suggests the Conservative government plans to announce tax cuts for people with incomes under $80,000 a year.
"We've had a lot of information trickle out of the last couple of days," the CBC's Margo McDiarmid
Slander. They're not "leaking" , they're announcing. Leaking implies they're doing something sneaky and behind peoples backs. these guys are standing right out there and passing it out with no attempt to hide who's doing it.
Such moves could lead to a showdown with the opposition Liberals, whose leader, Michael Ignatieff, argues that broad-based, permanent cuts are a bad idea at this time.
"Some targeted tax measures to help the most vulnerable, I could support," Ignatieff told CBC News on Tuesday. "But if this then gives us a huge deficit problem which will take a decade to fix, that's not a good trade-off for Canadians, and they'll be concerned about it, as I am."
This constant step on the little guy attitude of the liberals , no matter who is in power, is going to get them turfed from politics entirely. It ranks right up there with the USA's health care system. It's too expensive to treat you so you need to go over there in the corner out of our sight and just die and quit costing us money. This is the attitude of the liberals, and I think they need to stop it.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Congress of Dictators Acts
Israel prepares legal defense of soldiers
Background : The UN is an organization with one seat for every nation in the world. Since 80% of the nations in the world are dictators and ethnic cleansers , this makes them a congress of such. It's pretty routine for them to pass motions saying Israel should cease to exist and otherwise attempt to forward the cause of Islam conquering the world.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has demanded an independent investigation into Israeli military actions that damaged U.N. facilities in Gaza. Israel is alleged to have used white phosphorous shells which sparked a massive fire at the U.N. humanitarian compound.
Ban Ki-moon , citizen of South Korea , is really ticked that Israel actually defended itself from invaders trying to destroy it. He honestly believes they should sit back and do nothing while the Hamas throws rockets at them , he even plants his own offices right in the middle of the Gaza strip so Hamas can use them as cover, using Hamas's usual stunt of standing beside something important and shooting at the israeli's and inviting counter fire. He totally cooperates with this , Hamas is his friend !
But ... he is unusually quiet on the whole deal with North Korea threatening his native South Korea with nukes. No , he lifts not a finger in protest when it's *HIS* homeland that is being threatenned by nuclear terror. Something has to be done ! USA ! Get in there and bomb the heck out of those people I don't care how many casualties you inflict they're attacking my HOME !!!!
Cheif Dictator Ban Ki-moon , of the Congress of Dictators has spoken. Protect my home. Screw these other guys. Thats my final word on the subject.
So predictable.
Maybe we should let North Korea lob a few nukes at them after all, just so he'd get a better understanding of both sides of the situation.
Background : The UN is an organization with one seat for every nation in the world. Since 80% of the nations in the world are dictators and ethnic cleansers , this makes them a congress of such. It's pretty routine for them to pass motions saying Israel should cease to exist and otherwise attempt to forward the cause of Islam conquering the world.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has demanded an independent investigation into Israeli military actions that damaged U.N. facilities in Gaza. Israel is alleged to have used white phosphorous shells which sparked a massive fire at the U.N. humanitarian compound.
Ban Ki-moon , citizen of South Korea , is really ticked that Israel actually defended itself from invaders trying to destroy it. He honestly believes they should sit back and do nothing while the Hamas throws rockets at them , he even plants his own offices right in the middle of the Gaza strip so Hamas can use them as cover, using Hamas's usual stunt of standing beside something important and shooting at the israeli's and inviting counter fire. He totally cooperates with this , Hamas is his friend !
But ... he is unusually quiet on the whole deal with North Korea threatening his native South Korea with nukes. No , he lifts not a finger in protest when it's *HIS* homeland that is being threatenned by nuclear terror. Something has to be done ! USA ! Get in there and bomb the heck out of those people I don't care how many casualties you inflict they're attacking my HOME !!!!
Cheif Dictator Ban Ki-moon , of the Congress of Dictators has spoken. Protect my home. Screw these other guys. Thats my final word on the subject.
So predictable.
Maybe we should let North Korea lob a few nukes at them after all, just so he'd get a better understanding of both sides of the situation.
Hamas opens makeshift government offices
Hamas's government in Gaza began its first week back in business Sunday, operating from makeshift offices because most administrative buildings were bombed, as the Palestinian militant group prepared for new talks with Egypt on consolidating the weeklong ceasefire with Israel.
So many decisions to make. Who to reward for letting us get their family killed as human hostages, who ran away so we got to chase them down and kill them ... so many details in being an oppressive dictatorial regime.
The group said it would be distributing $52 million US in aid to people affected by Israel's three-week offensive against Hamas, which devastated Gaza.
1.5 million people in Gaza . Thats Three dollars and change per person. Ok , now we know the value of human life to the Hamas. Unless they complain it's too little, in which case we just shoot them instead of paying for them...wait ! the bullet is $2.50, scratch that.
"We are not going to accept less than opening the borders ... and lifting the sanctions," Barhoum told the Associated Press on Sunday.
We need to smuggle more weapons in from Iran , we cannot shoot the israeli's without them ! Those borders must be openned or we'll ...umm...shoot somethign , I don't know what .. at the Israeli's ... let me think about that a moment ...
"It's all rather simple actually," Ging (of the UN) said in an AP interview late Saturday. "Open up the crossing points and I'm absolutely confident that you'll see not just a positive development for the people ... but a positive development in their mindsets as well, which will make political problems easier to solve," Ging said.
It's all rather simple actually , said Ottawaboy. Open up the border and they'll do what they always do when the border is open. Send in suicide bombers and kill Israeli's.
Israeli, Palestinian and international human rights groups have said they are seeking to build a case that Israel violated the laws of war.
But Hamas violated no laws of war, despite using it's own civilians as hostages and firing off rockets at Israel. These "Human Rights Groups" are scum, and should be lined up against the wall and shot. They do nothing but support third world dictators. If you insist on hanging around with such people , you should be judged as one of their friends, is my opinion. And the people you hang around with , are the worst ethnic cleansers and dictators the human race has to offer. Human Rights Group indeed. They are pathetic.
Hamas's government in Gaza began its first week back in business Sunday, operating from makeshift offices because most administrative buildings were bombed, as the Palestinian militant group prepared for new talks with Egypt on consolidating the weeklong ceasefire with Israel.
So many decisions to make. Who to reward for letting us get their family killed as human hostages, who ran away so we got to chase them down and kill them ... so many details in being an oppressive dictatorial regime.
The group said it would be distributing $52 million US in aid to people affected by Israel's three-week offensive against Hamas, which devastated Gaza.
1.5 million people in Gaza . Thats Three dollars and change per person. Ok , now we know the value of human life to the Hamas. Unless they complain it's too little, in which case we just shoot them instead of paying for them...wait ! the bullet is $2.50, scratch that.
"We are not going to accept less than opening the borders ... and lifting the sanctions," Barhoum told the Associated Press on Sunday.
We need to smuggle more weapons in from Iran , we cannot shoot the israeli's without them ! Those borders must be openned or we'll ...umm...shoot somethign , I don't know what .. at the Israeli's ... let me think about that a moment ...
"It's all rather simple actually," Ging (of the UN) said in an AP interview late Saturday. "Open up the crossing points and I'm absolutely confident that you'll see not just a positive development for the people ... but a positive development in their mindsets as well, which will make political problems easier to solve," Ging said.
It's all rather simple actually , said Ottawaboy. Open up the border and they'll do what they always do when the border is open. Send in suicide bombers and kill Israeli's.
Israeli, Palestinian and international human rights groups have said they are seeking to build a case that Israel violated the laws of war.
But Hamas violated no laws of war, despite using it's own civilians as hostages and firing off rockets at Israel. These "Human Rights Groups" are scum, and should be lined up against the wall and shot. They do nothing but support third world dictators. If you insist on hanging around with such people , you should be judged as one of their friends, is my opinion. And the people you hang around with , are the worst ethnic cleansers and dictators the human race has to offer. Human Rights Group indeed. They are pathetic.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Big Business Screws Public Phones
CRTC Promises to Deal with Abuse of Do-Not-Call Registry
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) plans to act quickly to deal with abuse of Canada’s do-not-call registry, according to Industry Minister, Tony Clement.
The do-not-call list was created to help consumers avoid calls from annoying telemarketers, but has actually worsened the problem for may participants, according to Consumers Association of Canada president Bruce Cran.
After every sane person on the planet told you the do not call list would make matters worse , and after you proceeded with it anyways, because your "Industry" analysists thought it would be good for industry , and after you had Bell Canada , a big huge business thats about as pro-big business as it gets, seeing how it is a big business administer the thing , you've discovered that all those people (like me !) who warned you that this would be a disaster , were absolutely right !
And what are you doing ?
“Upon learning that the list could be acquired and used illegally,...
Upon learning that lowly bloggers like me who work in the tech industry knew what we were talking about and the twits whom you claim to be experts did nothing but screw half the general public who trusted you and hoped you would solve a problem , not make it worse...
I spoke to the chair of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, who has assured me it is taking these complaints very seriously,” Clement said in a statement. “It is the intent of the CRTC to aggressively pursue anyone abusing the use of the do-not-call list.”
We plan on doing nothing. We're gonna issue a feel good statement to the public that doesn't mean anything , those of you who now get 5 calls a day from spammers instead of one every two weeks are deeply screwed and nothing will happy , and we will play "wack a mole", a tactic we know to be totally useless since the US music industry tried it down south and found that out all ready. So thats the direction we're going in. We're gonna chase the spammers ...a tactic already well known to NOT WORK !!!
In other words, we did it on purpose. We're screwing the general public , and we have no intention of stopping.
Industry Canada. A government department looking after big business , caring for their needs, helping to screw the little guy.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Iggy's Political Game
PM playing games with 'irresponsible' budget leaks: Ignatieff
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of playing political games on Friday, calling the leaking of information from next week's federal budget a deliberate attempt "to get the bad news out of the way."
It's not a leak when an official representative of the government starts handing it out to every reporter in the vicinity. You are committing slander, Iggy.
"The release of this budget information was irresponsible and costly to our economy," Ignatieff said in an address to a joint luncheon of the Canadian Club and the Empire Club in Toronto.
Thus speaks the Historian about an Economist. Any lie for political gain will do, Iggy isn't picky. He's a History Teacher , he knows economics much better than that boring old Economist Harper.
But the guy just can't help himself. He thinks it is all some kind of political game."
This is the line that makes me laugh. You're accusing him of *YOUR CRIME* !!! You're the one playing political games, he's the one trying to fix things. But you don't give a crud about anything but bashing anyone who gets in your way of getting into power , do you ?
The Liberal leader's comments came as government officials leaked more details from...
And CBC is one of the players in this game of smear anyone but the Liberals. Why ? Because CBC is a big business, and the Liberals are the big business party in this country.
How do I know this ?
Umm... who wrote this article ? Searching ...no name ..no author ... just unattributed slander against the Conservives on a CBC site..no one takes responsibility for writing this news article...
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of playing political games on Friday, calling the leaking of information from next week's federal budget a deliberate attempt "to get the bad news out of the way."
It's not a leak when an official representative of the government starts handing it out to every reporter in the vicinity. You are committing slander, Iggy.
"The release of this budget information was irresponsible and costly to our economy," Ignatieff said in an address to a joint luncheon of the Canadian Club and the Empire Club in Toronto.
Thus speaks the Historian about an Economist. Any lie for political gain will do, Iggy isn't picky. He's a History Teacher , he knows economics much better than that boring old Economist Harper.
But the guy just can't help himself. He thinks it is all some kind of political game."
This is the line that makes me laugh. You're accusing him of *YOUR CRIME* !!! You're the one playing political games, he's the one trying to fix things. But you don't give a crud about anything but bashing anyone who gets in your way of getting into power , do you ?
The Liberal leader's comments came as government officials leaked more details from...
And CBC is one of the players in this game of smear anyone but the Liberals. Why ? Because CBC is a big business, and the Liberals are the big business party in this country.
How do I know this ?
Umm... who wrote this article ? Searching ...no name ..no author ... just unattributed slander against the Conservives on a CBC site..no one takes responsibility for writing this news article...

Sectéra® Edge
Oohh...the president got himself a brand new black berry , err ..BarakBerry , and it looks pretty. so ..how long until his email gets published ? I'm sure half the world would like to send him a message either congradulating him or swearing at him ....
Well, it could work if he's on some kind of secure network and not on the internet at all, can't mail him or hack him if your internet data packets don't go there , right ? But I can't help but notice the button there to go to a non secure network...wonder if they'll disable that or not ...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obama Mania

(care of http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/president-obama.html )
Welcome President Obama.
But ... but .. he's black !
It's about time. You know how far USA lags behind the rest of the world on social issues like that ? Now all they need is a woman president to finish it off and catch up with everyone else.
But .. but ... he has no experience ! His resume is empty !
The good old white boys that preceded him made quite a mess of the WHOLE WORLDS financial system, and they had impeccable resume's. I think it may be impossible for him to do worse.
He's shutting down Guantanamo !
I have no sympathy for terrorists caught in the field of battle or in terrorist training camps. But torture does nothing but bring you false information , Histories Spanish Inquisition demonstrated this quite nicely we really didn't need to repeat the lesson. And these drum head trials where the defense lawyers are crippled so as to always always get a conviction just brings into disgrace the entire judicial system. Those people are incompetant , and need to be fired. And the penalty needs to be paid for such idiocy. Close it , and let them go. We'll catch them again if they continue their ways.
Didn't he just decide to spend another 825 BILLION american dollars on top of the 700 billion Bush allocated ? Where is he getting the dough from ?
Umm... there is only one place to get that kind of cash. Print it.
Yep, start laying your bets that the american dollar is gonna drop , cause pretty soon we're gonna be up to our eye brows in it.
He's gonna abandon Iraq !
That was inevitable. They're fighting a war on too many fronts, no matter how just it may be. Bush was an idiot , he went in because he was ticked at Saddam Hussain. Made a bad mess worse. Saddam deserved what he got , but the vengence cost too much. Presidents arn't supposed to lose their temper and get their countries into deep doo doo, thats a no no.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
1943 Zionist Warcrimes
I don't normally quote from the Canadian Sentinel Blog , they're a bit too hysterical for my tastes, but this 1943 newspaper reprint of the New York Times seems to adequetly describe the old expression of "the more things change, the more they stay the change"
click on image to enlarge

10 min later I found the real front page for dec 10 1943 , after seeing the caption "we do your thinking for you" ...
click on image to enlarge

Now I remember why I don't really respect such hysterical blogs.
click on image to enlarge

10 min later I found the real front page for dec 10 1943 , after seeing the caption "we do your thinking for you" ...
click on image to enlarge

Now I remember why I don't really respect such hysterical blogs.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Israeli PM: Militants fired from UN compound
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's prime minister says the Israeli military fired artillery shells at a U.N. compound in Gaza after militants opened fire from the location.
Ehud Olmert says Israeli forces "were attacked from there and the response was harsh."
U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon expressed "outrage" over the Israeli shelling of the compound Thursday.
It had only that morning become a makeshift shelter for 700 Gaza City residents seeking sanctuary from relentless Israeli shelling, U.N. officials in Gaza said.
Oh and we checked each and everyone of those residents for weapons , honest ! we didn't just open the doors and let them swarm in, we made them wait politely in line while the shells were falling so we could be sure no terrorists got in !
Yeah right.
You openned the doors, a few terrorists got in , and they did their usual stunt of stand beside something valuable and shoot at the israeli's, using their own people as human shields, which they ALWAYS do.
Welcome to the mess we call the middle east.
Did you want to become their official mouthpiece now , or just wait until they kidnap a few of your officials and hold them for ransom first ?
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's prime minister says the Israeli military fired artillery shells at a U.N. compound in Gaza after militants opened fire from the location.
Ehud Olmert says Israeli forces "were attacked from there and the response was harsh."
U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon expressed "outrage" over the Israeli shelling of the compound Thursday.
It had only that morning become a makeshift shelter for 700 Gaza City residents seeking sanctuary from relentless Israeli shelling, U.N. officials in Gaza said.
Oh and we checked each and everyone of those residents for weapons , honest ! we didn't just open the doors and let them swarm in, we made them wait politely in line while the shells were falling so we could be sure no terrorists got in !
Yeah right.
You openned the doors, a few terrorists got in , and they did their usual stunt of stand beside something valuable and shoot at the israeli's, using their own people as human shields, which they ALWAYS do.
Welcome to the mess we call the middle east.
Did you want to become their official mouthpiece now , or just wait until they kidnap a few of your officials and hold them for ransom first ?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Democratically Elected Hamas

Witness the true middle eastern take on democratically elected organizations like Hamas.

Witness the true middle eastern take on democratically elected organizations like Hamas.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Wife of Mine
Article = None , personal Experience
Get up , you have to send an email.
You know there's a reason I'm lying here in bed skipping work, I have a bad headache.
You've slept too long you have to get up and write your aunt to thank her for sending me a card.
How much money was in it ?
Why do you always ask about money ? Just send her an email. Make it nice. Thank you we really apprecieate it so on and so forth.
All right all right. (Slowly climb out of bed) My head hurts you know.
You spend too much time in bed. Here let me dictate it for you. Make it nice.
All right all right. (pull up email , type type type) there , is that good ?
Perfect. Why havn't you sent it off ?
Gonna add a bit extra. (type type type) you know , you getting me up , me having a headache, things like that.
Don't you dare ! Erase that !
What ? No , it will be fun, adds charactar to a dull "Thank you" note, trust me.
Don't be rude.
Trust me.
You send that and I'll kill you I swear I will !
Yeah , you probably will.
You sent it didn't you ?
I erased all that stuff. It's just a dull thank you letter. Relax.
It better be.
Is that 20$ in that envelope ?
Never mind !
Well... I could always put that stuff in my blog. It adds charactar I think. It's not really rude , is it ?
PS : "Axxxxx and I is very thank full for the birthday card you have sent. She's very happy and thankful for your kindness in always remembering her birthday. We just hope and pray you have good health and long life and happiness. Thank you , Axxxx and Ottawaboy, and happy new year by the way."
Hmph. She didn't even let me fix the gramatical errors.
Get up , you have to send an email.
You know there's a reason I'm lying here in bed skipping work, I have a bad headache.
You've slept too long you have to get up and write your aunt to thank her for sending me a card.
How much money was in it ?
Why do you always ask about money ? Just send her an email. Make it nice. Thank you we really apprecieate it so on and so forth.
All right all right. (Slowly climb out of bed) My head hurts you know.
You spend too much time in bed. Here let me dictate it for you. Make it nice.
All right all right. (pull up email , type type type) there , is that good ?
Perfect. Why havn't you sent it off ?
Gonna add a bit extra. (type type type) you know , you getting me up , me having a headache, things like that.
Don't you dare ! Erase that !
What ? No , it will be fun, adds charactar to a dull "Thank you" note, trust me.
Don't be rude.
Trust me.
You send that and I'll kill you I swear I will !
Yeah , you probably will.
You sent it didn't you ?
I erased all that stuff. It's just a dull thank you letter. Relax.
It better be.
Is that 20$ in that envelope ?
Never mind !
Well... I could always put that stuff in my blog. It adds charactar I think. It's not really rude , is it ?
PS : "Axxxxx and I is very thank full for the birthday card you have sent. She's very happy and thankful for your kindness in always remembering her birthday. We just hope and pray you have good health and long life and happiness. Thank you , Axxxx and Ottawaboy, and happy new year by the way."
Hmph. She didn't even let me fix the gramatical errors.
City Screws Union, Public
The city's offer included a new scheduling system. In order to accommodate the increased ridership during the morning and afternoon rush, many drivers work split shifts, comprising several hours of work in the morning followed by a break and then several more hours of work in the afternoon. Under the current system, drivers choose the morning and afternoon shifts separately.
Under the proposed system, the city pairs the morning and afternoon shifts together, and they can be spread over up to 13.5 hours. In both systems, drivers with higher seniority get to pick their shifts first. The city alleges the new system will be fairer and more efficient. The union alleges it will take away from the drivers' ability to balance their work and personal lives.
Yeah , we're gonna make those union dogs work 13.5 hours a day whether they like it or not , thats our new system. Maybe three days in a row (41.5 hrs) if they're someone we hate , so they quit on us , it will be a great way to get rid of people. Hey, if we really don't like them , we can put the three days at the end of one pay period and another three at the beginning of the next and have them work 6 days in a row at 13.5 hrs / day. What ? They get 10.5 hours off to rest , whats the problem ?
Or we'll make them work mornings one day , afternoons the next, mornings the third, and so on and so forth. Mess up their sleep schedule so they can't sleep at all, thats also a good plan, we like it.
And yes , my work used to do this deliberately too, before I got sick and got on a fixed schedule. No wonder the union is ticked.
Just go back to the old system you idiots. You've taken away the buses from us for 30 days so far for what ? To make the drivers life better whether they like it or not ? And you're holding us hostage because you think you want to "make a fairer system for them" ????
Meanwhile I'm paying 20$ A DAY for taxi's and seriously considering walking one way (and it's over an hour walk) while listening to stories about people whom it would be closer to $60 if they had to taxi it.
The union is happy with the current system , you've already saved 12 million of the tax payers money (12$ per person , if you divide by the 1 million people in metro ottawa) while screwing me out of at least 240$ (I only work 3 days / week..not in the best of health) to save that 12$ for me, I think you should stop it now. I don't think I can take much more of you saving me money.
Just have that union negotiater force the old existing contract they already agreed to on everyone and send them back to work , thats my opinion.
Cause right now , it's the City holding us hostage , not the union. And they don't have to fold in their hand because they're saving money at our expense. They're trying to screw the drivers and they're definately screwing us over. And I resent it.
I'm making a list of people responsible for this Strike Fiasco. The mayors' the top of the list for ramming this down our throats of course, but I'm throwing in the City Solicitor on the list as well because when the union sent them a letter to try and explain their view he started looking around to see if he could sue them or otherwise take legal action for them doing that.
The city's offer included a new scheduling system. In order to accommodate the increased ridership during the morning and afternoon rush, many drivers work split shifts, comprising several hours of work in the morning followed by a break and then several more hours of work in the afternoon. Under the current system, drivers choose the morning and afternoon shifts separately.
Under the proposed system, the city pairs the morning and afternoon shifts together, and they can be spread over up to 13.5 hours. In both systems, drivers with higher seniority get to pick their shifts first. The city alleges the new system will be fairer and more efficient. The union alleges it will take away from the drivers' ability to balance their work and personal lives.
Yeah , we're gonna make those union dogs work 13.5 hours a day whether they like it or not , thats our new system. Maybe three days in a row (41.5 hrs) if they're someone we hate , so they quit on us , it will be a great way to get rid of people. Hey, if we really don't like them , we can put the three days at the end of one pay period and another three at the beginning of the next and have them work 6 days in a row at 13.5 hrs / day. What ? They get 10.5 hours off to rest , whats the problem ?
Or we'll make them work mornings one day , afternoons the next, mornings the third, and so on and so forth. Mess up their sleep schedule so they can't sleep at all, thats also a good plan, we like it.
And yes , my work used to do this deliberately too, before I got sick and got on a fixed schedule. No wonder the union is ticked.
Just go back to the old system you idiots. You've taken away the buses from us for 30 days so far for what ? To make the drivers life better whether they like it or not ? And you're holding us hostage because you think you want to "make a fairer system for them" ????
Meanwhile I'm paying 20$ A DAY for taxi's and seriously considering walking one way (and it's over an hour walk) while listening to stories about people whom it would be closer to $60 if they had to taxi it.
The union is happy with the current system , you've already saved 12 million of the tax payers money (12$ per person , if you divide by the 1 million people in metro ottawa) while screwing me out of at least 240$ (I only work 3 days / week..not in the best of health) to save that 12$ for me, I think you should stop it now. I don't think I can take much more of you saving me money.
Just have that union negotiater force the old existing contract they already agreed to on everyone and send them back to work , thats my opinion.
Cause right now , it's the City holding us hostage , not the union. And they don't have to fold in their hand because they're saving money at our expense. They're trying to screw the drivers and they're definately screwing us over. And I resent it.
I'm making a list of people responsible for this Strike Fiasco. The mayors' the top of the list for ramming this down our throats of course, but I'm throwing in the City Solicitor on the list as well because when the union sent them a letter to try and explain their view he started looking around to see if he could sue them or otherwise take legal action for them doing that.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Strike Silence
Article (or lack there of) = www.octranspo.com
Checked the website. Checked the news. Nothing on the strike. It's now Jan 12 , and the last movement was Jan 8th when the union voted to continue to strike. No news of talks no nothing.
Yep. They're all just leaving us dangling.
Did the taxi companies bribe everyone to keep the strike going a while longer ? Whats the story here ?
Checked the website. Checked the news. Nothing on the strike. It's now Jan 12 , and the last movement was Jan 8th when the union voted to continue to strike. No news of talks no nothing.
Yep. They're all just leaving us dangling.
Did the taxi companies bribe everyone to keep the strike going a while longer ? Whats the story here ?
You said What ???
You said what ?
You're deliberately placing women and children and the elderly in the line of fire ???
Your *OWN* women and children , not someone elses at that ?
My opinion of people who do that to the people they claim that they "govern" and are sworn to protect is not particularily printable.
Friday, January 09, 2009
We will turn you into us
Steve Janke: Ignatieff shift puts pressure on Liberal left
Are these Liberals going to allow themselves to be marginalized quietly? I don't think so, and mostly because of that coalition. These Liberals came so close, and now Ignatieff is throwing it all away talking like, well, a Conservative.
Now what did that russian Villianess in Indiana Jones 4 Say ?
We will control your thoughts so that We will turn you into us , all from the inside , and you won't even know it.
He he he . These libs will do anything to hang onto power. Including ... become conservatives.
The more the merrier , thats what I say. The more the merrier.
Are these Liberals going to allow themselves to be marginalized quietly? I don't think so, and mostly because of that coalition. These Liberals came so close, and now Ignatieff is throwing it all away talking like, well, a Conservative.
Now what did that russian Villianess in Indiana Jones 4 Say ?
We will control your thoughts so that We will turn you into us , all from the inside , and you won't even know it.
He he he . These libs will do anything to hang onto power. Including ... become conservatives.
The more the merrier , thats what I say. The more the merrier.
Psuedo Linux Crippleware
"I contacted HP to ask why it had disabled the Linux command line interface. HP offered the following statement from Jonathan Kaye, the Director of Consumer Notebooks at HP:
"The HP Mini 1000 with Mi is designed for the consumer who wants to do the main activities with their computer such as email, browsing the Internet, and chatting without worrying about operating systems or what is inside.
Crippled. Too hard to support by our call centers, will rip most of it out and leave you with a bare bones version of linux. And then we'll copy right it (this is how apple gets startd, you did know that the mac os's area all built on a version of Linux that went it's seperate way many years ago , right ?)
You want Linux , get a disk and install it on an old clunker. Don't depend on these guys.
On the other hand ... you want a cheap lap top , well , as long as it's not your primary computer, it's just for bombing around in you're not doing heavy duty computing or games or anything , a locked down lap top isn't a bad deal.
Just don't make it your only machine.
"I contacted HP to ask why it had disabled the Linux command line interface. HP offered the following statement from Jonathan Kaye, the Director of Consumer Notebooks at HP:
"The HP Mini 1000 with Mi is designed for the consumer who wants to do the main activities with their computer such as email, browsing the Internet, and chatting without worrying about operating systems or what is inside.
Crippled. Too hard to support by our call centers, will rip most of it out and leave you with a bare bones version of linux. And then we'll copy right it (this is how apple gets startd, you did know that the mac os's area all built on a version of Linux that went it's seperate way many years ago , right ?)
You want Linux , get a disk and install it on an old clunker. Don't depend on these guys.
On the other hand ... you want a cheap lap top , well , as long as it's not your primary computer, it's just for bombing around in you're not doing heavy duty computing or games or anything , a locked down lap top isn't a bad deal.
Just don't make it your only machine.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
OC Transpo Speaks before back to work Vote
Alain Mercier, general manager of OC Transpo, posted a six-minute video.
(Ottawa Bus Strike)
Listening ...
Throw mud at the union boss. (He hung up on me ! Whaaa ... !)
Denies being a Union Buster
Scheduling : Raising minimum time to 7 hours
Booking by seniority stays
Something about contracting out / part timers but so many qualifiers it may not mean anything.
Here it is.
(Ottawa Bus Strike)
Listening ...
Throw mud at the union boss. (He hung up on me ! Whaaa ... !)
Denies being a Union Buster
Scheduling : Raising minimum time to 7 hours
Booking by seniority stays
Something about contracting out / part timers but so many qualifiers it may not mean anything.
Here it is.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Hamas Propaganda
And if I'm gonna put up a piece of Israeli propaganda , I guess I should put up one for Hamas as well.
Took a while to find one, but I did.
It's pretty distorted, talking all about Palastinian Casualties and nothing about anything else, but thats what they choose to put out , so it's what we have.
Warning : This video has about as much blood in it , slightly less actually , than Die hard 4 , which has a PG 13 rating. There are a pile of bodies shown in it , at a distance (over and over ...they get a lot of milage out of that clip) so be warned.
Took a while to find one, but I did.
It's pretty distorted, talking all about Palastinian Casualties and nothing about anything else, but thats what they choose to put out , so it's what we have.
Warning : This video has about as much blood in it , slightly less actually , than Die hard 4 , which has a PG 13 rating. There are a pile of bodies shown in it , at a distance (over and over ...they get a lot of milage out of that clip) so be warned.
12 reasons why windows is better than linux for non-techies.

1) Which distro to use.
As all of us know linux has got tons of distro and this is the first confusing point for non-techies that which distro is best for them.
There's only one distro for non technical users. Ubuntu.
2) Where to get linux.
Linux is not much popular as windows so it is also possible that you won’t find linux CDs on all shops.
windows has a monopoly and is screwing people over left right and center. Therefore you shouldn't try and fight it you should just hand them your credit card and close your eyes and prepare to get it up the (ahem).
Just let them do it. The pain isn't that bad.
3) How to install Linux.
Although linux is not very difficult to install and distro like ubuntu has also provided Wubi install by using which you can easily install ubuntu with linux on NTFS parition.But it is still difficult to install linux for Non-techies.Partitions concept of linux is little difficult for them.
Didn't have to do that for Ubunto. Just pressed a few buttons and it did it all.
4) Configuring desktops and settings.
Desktop,network,control panel and screen saver all the setting is little different as compare to windows so in the first look most of the non-techies get confused on how to configure their desktop.
Desk top was right there when all was said and done at the end of installation. didn't "configure" anything.
You have to play with your air card on windows as well as Ubuntu, you're no farther behind.
5) Installing Software.
This is the most confusing and difficult thing for non-techie because software installation is totally different in linux as compare to windows.We have to install from sources rather than just running a setup files.
Ha ha ha ! You should use windows because anyone else doesn't do it the windows way !!! lol ! These guys crack me up.
Seriously , the argument that Windows Already Rules Everything Don't Try To Change is no argument at all.
In Ubuntu you pull down a menu , select the software you want from a list (it's a big list , you'll spend a lot of time scrolling through it) press a button or two for that one to be installed, and then wait. And reboot. Not exactly rocket science, though it *IS* different from windows.
6) Installing drivers.
Although linux has some driver so some of your devices will work plug and play but it will be real headache for non-techies to install drivers of devices which is not available in linux.
Because we made it illegal for those drivers to run on Linux. So you can't play your games !
(but you can run all the non game stuff just fine)
7) Playing music files.
Most of the peoples have songs or other music files in MP3,WMA or any other format and the thing is that linux by default doesn’t have codecs installed for playing these type of media files.You can also check my post How to play mp3 and other multimedia files in ubuntu
Oh no. You messed this up when Windows introduced DRM (Digital Rights Management) You can't claim ease of use in playing MP3's anymore. Naughty naughty, thats dishonest.
Oh , I dumped some mp3's on my ubuntu box and double clicked on one ? A player came up and started playing right away. It doesn't get any easier than that.
8 : Games
available for linux the difficult point is again the installation of game.
Old crappy games only run under Wine which is a pain to use.
I grant you Linux is not a gaming platform. Get a playstation or something.
9) Softwares availability.
Almost all of the latest softwares are available for windows but not all of them are available for linux.This is also tricky point for non-techies for find the alternatives of the software which are not available in linux.
"latest" software. I like how you qualify that.
There's enough software in the software repositories , if you're not a game fanatic, do do most any usual chore on a computer. Word processeors spread sheets , write code , etc etc.
10) Difficult to get help.
Non-techies prefer to ask from others rather than searching on google as it is little easy for them to understand and if they ask for help from their family members or colleagues very few will be able to help them but if we talk about windows most of the peoples are familar with most of the windows features.
It's very easy to get help from microsoft. Phone them and have your credit card ready, it's 75$ a question.
11) Partitioning
I also mention in reason 1 that partition table of linux is little confusing as compare to windows then partitions of linux looks like.
and if we have a look at windows partitions it looks like.
You can see which one is easier.
Odd thing. I didn't have to do any partitioning at all of any kind when I threw Ubuntu on my old clunker. That was pretty easy , don't you think ?
Oh , and you already said newbies don't do partitioning ,so going on and on about partitioning on one being harder than the other is irrelevant since only techies do that and this article is for newbies.
12) Requires research.
Linux requires little more research as compare to windows and non-techies don’t have time or they don’t wanna research on linux as this is not the part of their job so they prefers windows.
I have tried to posted as much reasons as currently i have in my mind if i have missed any reason please write in comments.
Odd thing, I didn't have to do any research ,I just threw it on an old clunker and it worked first time out.
As for "people prefer spending 3000$ of their hard earned money without doing any research" for a current machine, I think you are wonkers.
In the end , my advice is if you're going to upgrade your computer , get a new windows box (GASPS OF HORROR FROM THE LINUX CROWD !!!! ) But ... this is the kicker. Don't throw away the old box. Throw Ubuntu Linux on it instead and try it out. It's free isn't it ? And if you decide it blows , you still got yourself you're brand spanking new vender lock in have your credit card ready windows box , don't you ?
Oh. Stay away from vista if you can. major problems there, go for an xp box if possible.

Yeah, thats Ubuntu. All menu's and windows and all the stuff you expect to see on windows. Try not to be too frightenned by it. I personally run windows on one machine and one machine only in my house, and the other two run either Ubuntu (the living room ) or Linpus (lap top). Linpus there's not much to say. It came pre-installed. It works great. Got a word processer , spread sheet , browser, few other gew gaws I'll never use, for a cheap lap top it's got some pretty high end software that bill gates would charge you a fortune for if it were his stuff.
And the browser plays youtube.com video's just fine , he he he, thats mostly what I use it for.
I think one windows machine is all anyone ever needs.
Israeli Propaganda
Yes, technically this is Israeli propaganda.
But there's so much anti Israeli propaganda kicking around and no one ever tells the other side of the story anymore , that I suppose someone has to let them get their licks in.
Take it for whatever you will, it seems pretty accurate from what I can tell, though it does do the usual stunt of not telling both sides of the tale, etc etc. Good job of painting the Hamas black , but the Hamas gets to do that so much with the Israeli's ..eh ! Let them have their shot.
But there's so much anti Israeli propaganda kicking around and no one ever tells the other side of the story anymore , that I suppose someone has to let them get their licks in.
Take it for whatever you will, it seems pretty accurate from what I can tell, though it does do the usual stunt of not telling both sides of the tale, etc etc. Good job of painting the Hamas black , but the Hamas gets to do that so much with the Israeli's ..eh ! Let them have their shot.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Conservatives blasted for 'grandstanding' on text message fees
The Liberals are blasting the government for "grandstanding" on the new incoming text messaging charges proposed by Bell Canada Inc. and Telus Corp., saying Industry Minister Jim Prentice's criticism of the companies is half-baked and premature.
"Prentice has acted on this more like he was Opposition than government," Liberal Opposition critic Scott Brison told CBC News. "This government loves to grandstand on these types of populist issues."
So ... the conservatives called the industries naughty boys for ripping off the public and the big business Lap Dog Liberals came to the defence of a big business. How predictable.
So what should the conservatives have done ? What did the Liberals plan on doing about this ?
The Liberals plan to "monitor the situation" and will meet with Bell and Telus to discuss the matter, Brison said. Liberal consumer affairs critic Dan McTeague, however, told the Winnipeg Sun last week that the cellphone companies' moves "cries out for greater oversight."
Aha. Monitor the Situation = We aint gonna do nothing.
Brison said Prentice is in a difficult position because he promised consumers lower prices and greater competition back in November when he set the rules on a government auction of cellphone airwaves, currently in its last days. Prentice encouraged new entrants to get into the market by setting aside 40 per cent of the airwaves being sold.
Bell and Telus raising their messaging prices and maneuvering customers onto higher-priced text plans runs counter to those promises, he said.
Yeah , he tried to lower prices, but our friends in big business who pay us our salaries and help us get elected out maneuvered him. What a maroon, he should be punished just because he tried.
Needless to say , Prentice isn't impressed by all of this.
"He was unhappy with the increased choice for consumers that the spectrum auction set-aside would allow, he was unhappy with the copyright bill that balanced the rights of consumers and creators, and now he's unhappy that the government wants to ensure consumers aren't being overcharged for text messages," she said. "Our government is putting consumers first, whereas Brison and the tax-and-spend Liberals are only interested in their tax on everything."
I keep expecting this to be harder. But all the liberals are doing is playing word games while they blindly screw the consumer and support every single large corperation in any thing they care to do. It's like the Liberals arn't even trying to hide their corruption.
The Liberals are blasting the government for "grandstanding" on the new incoming text messaging charges proposed by Bell Canada Inc. and Telus Corp., saying Industry Minister Jim Prentice's criticism of the companies is half-baked and premature.
"Prentice has acted on this more like he was Opposition than government," Liberal Opposition critic Scott Brison told CBC News. "This government loves to grandstand on these types of populist issues."
So ... the conservatives called the industries naughty boys for ripping off the public and the big business Lap Dog Liberals came to the defence of a big business. How predictable.
So what should the conservatives have done ? What did the Liberals plan on doing about this ?
The Liberals plan to "monitor the situation" and will meet with Bell and Telus to discuss the matter, Brison said. Liberal consumer affairs critic Dan McTeague, however, told the Winnipeg Sun last week that the cellphone companies' moves "cries out for greater oversight."
Aha. Monitor the Situation = We aint gonna do nothing.
Brison said Prentice is in a difficult position because he promised consumers lower prices and greater competition back in November when he set the rules on a government auction of cellphone airwaves, currently in its last days. Prentice encouraged new entrants to get into the market by setting aside 40 per cent of the airwaves being sold.
Bell and Telus raising their messaging prices and maneuvering customers onto higher-priced text plans runs counter to those promises, he said.
Yeah , he tried to lower prices, but our friends in big business who pay us our salaries and help us get elected out maneuvered him. What a maroon, he should be punished just because he tried.
Needless to say , Prentice isn't impressed by all of this.
"He was unhappy with the increased choice for consumers that the spectrum auction set-aside would allow, he was unhappy with the copyright bill that balanced the rights of consumers and creators, and now he's unhappy that the government wants to ensure consumers aren't being overcharged for text messages," she said. "Our government is putting consumers first, whereas Brison and the tax-and-spend Liberals are only interested in their tax on everything."
I keep expecting this to be harder. But all the liberals are doing is playing word games while they blindly screw the consumer and support every single large corperation in any thing they care to do. It's like the Liberals arn't even trying to hide their corruption.
Ontario union calls for ban on Israeli professors
Ontario's largest university workers' union is proposing a ban on Israeli academics teaching in the province's universities, in a move that echoes previous attempts to boycott goods and services from the Jewish state.
The resolution, proposed by CUPE's Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee, is in protest against a Dec. 29 bombing that damaged the Islamic University in Gaza.
"In response to an appeal from the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees, we are ready to say Israeli academics should not be on our campuses unless they explicitly condemn the university bombing and the assault on Gaza in general," said Sid Ryan, president of CUPE Ontario.
We .. .the trash collectors and cleaning staff of the university , have decided that *WE* will decide who can and cannot teach in this university !
We...the trash collectors , have decided that *WE* will decide who's right and wrong in any world political issue.
And we have decided it is an Evil Thing for the Jews to attempt to defend themselves from the Murderous Hamas , so we want them out.
Janice Folk-Dawson, chairwoman of the university workers committte, said: "Clearly international pressure on Israel must increase to stop the massacre that is going on daily. We are proud to add CUPE voices to others from around the world saying enough is enough."
But no word on Hamas attacks on Israel.
Ms. Folk-Dawson said the resolution will protect the quality of education by preventing Israeli academics from professing biased views.
But having the Palistinians from professing biased views, thats ok !
However, Mr. Ryan said the resolution was a reasonable response to Israel's attack on the Islamic University, which he likened to the torching of books by Nazis during the Second World War.
Actually they bombed the place because a lot of bombs were being stored there, but thank you. The Arabs are constantly comparing the Jews to the nazi's and I needed a good quote anyways. I appreciate you providing one.
Mr. Ryan described the proposed resolution as the "logical next step" of a policy adopted by CUPE Ontario at a May, 2006, conference.
Resolution 50 supports "boycotts, divestment and sanctions aimed at bringing about the Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and a just peace in the region."
So you're not actually against "biased views" in general. You're just against the Jews. This is called "Anti-semitism" and I believe it violates the Hate Crimes Laws of canada.
The passing of resolution 50 saw the union face significant public scrutiny and Ms. Folk-Dawson said this time they are prepared for a backlash, adding, "We believe we are doing the right thing."
"We honestly believe in our cause to be racist pigs in addition to garbage collectors and we stand by it to the end !"
Folks , we may be about to see a new first here.
The break up of a union for Racism.
I hope they throw them all in jail.
Ontario's largest university workers' union is proposing a ban on Israeli academics teaching in the province's universities, in a move that echoes previous attempts to boycott goods and services from the Jewish state.
The resolution, proposed by CUPE's Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee, is in protest against a Dec. 29 bombing that damaged the Islamic University in Gaza.
"In response to an appeal from the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees, we are ready to say Israeli academics should not be on our campuses unless they explicitly condemn the university bombing and the assault on Gaza in general," said Sid Ryan, president of CUPE Ontario.
We .. .the trash collectors and cleaning staff of the university , have decided that *WE* will decide who can and cannot teach in this university !
We...the trash collectors , have decided that *WE* will decide who's right and wrong in any world political issue.
And we have decided it is an Evil Thing for the Jews to attempt to defend themselves from the Murderous Hamas , so we want them out.
Janice Folk-Dawson, chairwoman of the university workers committte, said: "Clearly international pressure on Israel must increase to stop the massacre that is going on daily. We are proud to add CUPE voices to others from around the world saying enough is enough."
But no word on Hamas attacks on Israel.
Ms. Folk-Dawson said the resolution will protect the quality of education by preventing Israeli academics from professing biased views.
But having the Palistinians from professing biased views, thats ok !
However, Mr. Ryan said the resolution was a reasonable response to Israel's attack on the Islamic University, which he likened to the torching of books by Nazis during the Second World War.
Actually they bombed the place because a lot of bombs were being stored there, but thank you. The Arabs are constantly comparing the Jews to the nazi's and I needed a good quote anyways. I appreciate you providing one.
Mr. Ryan described the proposed resolution as the "logical next step" of a policy adopted by CUPE Ontario at a May, 2006, conference.
Resolution 50 supports "boycotts, divestment and sanctions aimed at bringing about the Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and a just peace in the region."
So you're not actually against "biased views" in general. You're just against the Jews. This is called "Anti-semitism" and I believe it violates the Hate Crimes Laws of canada.
The passing of resolution 50 saw the union face significant public scrutiny and Ms. Folk-Dawson said this time they are prepared for a backlash, adding, "We believe we are doing the right thing."
"We honestly believe in our cause to be racist pigs in addition to garbage collectors and we stand by it to the end !"
Folks , we may be about to see a new first here.
The break up of a union for Racism.
I hope they throw them all in jail.
Monday, January 05, 2009
NDP Secret Conversation
The NDP held a secret little confab it seems , only they made a slight error with the invites, and invited a Conservative to the phone conference call who had a name very close to an NDP'er .
He recorded it of course.
In this call , during which "Brad" did the most talking on matters of policy and tactics, good old Brad gave his email address. Brad@ndp.ca , so I figured I'd send him off an email.
Excuse me “Brad !” What exactly are your comments on that recording on You tube where you detail your plans to overthrow the government and make a coalition for “Quebec And Canada !” , is Quebec part of Canada , or is it not ?
Not expecting a response, but I'll let you know if I get one.
He he he.
((found part one put it below))
He recorded it of course.
In this call , during which "Brad" did the most talking on matters of policy and tactics, good old Brad gave his email address. Brad@ndp.ca , so I figured I'd send him off an email.
Excuse me “Brad !” What exactly are your comments on that recording on You tube where you detail your plans to overthrow the government and make a coalition for “Quebec And Canada !” , is Quebec part of Canada , or is it not ?
Not expecting a response, but I'll let you know if I get one.
He he he.
((found part one put it below))
Coalition = King Harper
Article = none , personal opinion
143 Conservative (Harper)
77 Liberal (Iggy)
49 Bloc (Seperatists)
37 NDP
02 Independant
00 Vacencies
00 Green Party
308 seats in parliment (half = 154, majority = 155)
I think we should game this out.
Rule 1: Conservatives are 12 short of a majority, 12 people change their mind it's all over
Rule 2: Bloc promises to vote with Liberals / NDP on non confidence votes only, to prevent the coalition from falling. Any other vote they'll do as they please.
Rule 3: The Conservatives and the NDP arn't too far apart from each other, ideologically. They both get their funding from private individuals only.
I think that if the politico's play hard ball then this is a recipie for a hung parliment, one that survives non confident votes , but can't come to an agreement on anything else. Nothing will get done. 12 people from anywhere vote with the big C , and with the Bloc demanding ridiculous things for Quebec and leaving everyone else out in the cold you gotta know that's gonna happen , you've effectively handed Harper a veto on every vote that's not a non confidence vote. You've made him the King Maker.
Worse. If the NDP ever figures out they could get a few things going with the Conservatives , they leave the Bloc and the Liberals out in the cold, and Harper is King again. A little bit of scratch my back and I'll scratch yours and the Libbys are in a deep freeze, a Bloc of Ice with the Bloc , so to speak.
The Bloc , the NDP , and the Conservatives are all in a position to play King Maker. Takes three to party to beat the Conservatives, but only takes two, including the Conservatives, to beat everyone else. Even the smallest of the parties can fill that job and reap a few benifits in the bargaining for their loyalty.
Funding wise , The Liberals have been cut off from their favorite financial backers, big business, another election would bleed them badly. Iggy may refuse to see this , but the rank and file who are looking at suddenly becoming private citizens can. The ones told "raise your own money don't bother us" a few months after they just did it last time around.
Going to be an amusing return from Prorogue, that much is certain.
143 Conservative (Harper)
77 Liberal (Iggy)
49 Bloc (Seperatists)
37 NDP
02 Independant
00 Vacencies
00 Green Party
308 seats in parliment (half = 154, majority = 155)
I think we should game this out.
Rule 1: Conservatives are 12 short of a majority, 12 people change their mind it's all over
Rule 2: Bloc promises to vote with Liberals / NDP on non confidence votes only, to prevent the coalition from falling. Any other vote they'll do as they please.
Rule 3: The Conservatives and the NDP arn't too far apart from each other, ideologically. They both get their funding from private individuals only.
I think that if the politico's play hard ball then this is a recipie for a hung parliment, one that survives non confident votes , but can't come to an agreement on anything else. Nothing will get done. 12 people from anywhere vote with the big C , and with the Bloc demanding ridiculous things for Quebec and leaving everyone else out in the cold you gotta know that's gonna happen , you've effectively handed Harper a veto on every vote that's not a non confidence vote. You've made him the King Maker.
Worse. If the NDP ever figures out they could get a few things going with the Conservatives , they leave the Bloc and the Liberals out in the cold, and Harper is King again. A little bit of scratch my back and I'll scratch yours and the Libbys are in a deep freeze, a Bloc of Ice with the Bloc , so to speak.
The Bloc , the NDP , and the Conservatives are all in a position to play King Maker. Takes three to party to beat the Conservatives, but only takes two, including the Conservatives, to beat everyone else. Even the smallest of the parties can fill that job and reap a few benifits in the bargaining for their loyalty.
Funding wise , The Liberals have been cut off from their favorite financial backers, big business, another election would bleed them badly. Iggy may refuse to see this , but the rank and file who are looking at suddenly becoming private citizens can. The ones told "raise your own money don't bother us" a few months after they just did it last time around.
Going to be an amusing return from Prorogue, that much is certain.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Judge frees last security certificate detainee from 'Guantanamo north'
A Federal Court judge has ordered the release of the last of five foreign nationals being held on controversial national security certificates
Syrian citizen Hassan Almrei has been in custody since October 2001 without being charged with any crime.
It's 2009 now. You've had him in prison for EIGHT FREAKING YEARS and havn't charged him with anything ? What is this , New China ? Let the bugger go. I am ashamed to be a Canadian when I hear stories like this. When did we get into indefinate prison terms without trials just because we're a little suspicious ? This isn't a communistic regime you know , thats gotta go, and it's gotta go now. I don't care what trumped up charge you've invented , if you don't have evidence you don't lock him away forever , thats just insane.
Besides, anyone of us could be next.
Let the bugger go. It's just that simple.
A Federal Court judge has ordered the release of the last of five foreign nationals being held on controversial national security certificates
Syrian citizen Hassan Almrei has been in custody since October 2001 without being charged with any crime.
It's 2009 now. You've had him in prison for EIGHT FREAKING YEARS and havn't charged him with anything ? What is this , New China ? Let the bugger go. I am ashamed to be a Canadian when I hear stories like this. When did we get into indefinate prison terms without trials just because we're a little suspicious ? This isn't a communistic regime you know , thats gotta go, and it's gotta go now. I don't care what trumped up charge you've invented , if you don't have evidence you don't lock him away forever , thats just insane.
Besides, anyone of us could be next.
Let the bugger go. It's just that simple.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Big Brother Google Is Watching You
Android-powered G1 phone is an enticing platform for app developers
The free and open source software community has been waiting for the G1 cell phone since it was first announced in July. Source code for Google's Android mobile platform has been available, but the G1 marks its commercial debut. It's clearly a good device, but is it what Linux boosters and FOSS advocates have long been anticipating?
Aha. Lets look at the details.
You won't forget for an instant that the G in "G1" stands for Google. The phone is preloaded with a cornucopia of Google-branded applications, including Google Talk, Google Maps, and a YouTube viewer. There is a POP/IMAP mail client, which works great, and a dedicated Gmail client with additional bells and whistles. When first setting up the phone, you must "associate" it with a Google Account, which allows the device to synchronize calendar, contacts, and Gmail messages over the air.
Aha. So the phone ties into your google account and now they can read your mail , address book , and everything. And know it's all you. And they're adding your phone to the list. Man , the US FEDS can't do that without a search warrent and suspicion you did something naughty, why are you letting this for profit company spy on your entire life ?
Ultimately, the importance of the G1 depends on what you as a buyer bring to it. If all you want is a good phone, or even a good Linux-based phone, the G1 is a winning proposition. If you want a "free software" phone, buy the Dev Phone 1 instead.
And if you work at Yahoo or Microsoft or anyone in competition with Google , stay the heck away from it you don't need them reading your private email and finding out what microsoft / yahoo is up to before anyone else does !
Yeesh ! Americans !
The free and open source software community has been waiting for the G1 cell phone since it was first announced in July. Source code for Google's Android mobile platform has been available, but the G1 marks its commercial debut. It's clearly a good device, but is it what Linux boosters and FOSS advocates have long been anticipating?
Aha. Lets look at the details.
You won't forget for an instant that the G in "G1" stands for Google. The phone is preloaded with a cornucopia of Google-branded applications, including Google Talk, Google Maps, and a YouTube viewer. There is a POP/IMAP mail client, which works great, and a dedicated Gmail client with additional bells and whistles. When first setting up the phone, you must "associate" it with a Google Account, which allows the device to synchronize calendar, contacts, and Gmail messages over the air.
Aha. So the phone ties into your google account and now they can read your mail , address book , and everything. And know it's all you. And they're adding your phone to the list. Man , the US FEDS can't do that without a search warrent and suspicion you did something naughty, why are you letting this for profit company spy on your entire life ?
Ultimately, the importance of the G1 depends on what you as a buyer bring to it. If all you want is a good phone, or even a good Linux-based phone, the G1 is a winning proposition. If you want a "free software" phone, buy the Dev Phone 1 instead.
And if you work at Yahoo or Microsoft or anyone in competition with Google , stay the heck away from it you don't need them reading your private email and finding out what microsoft / yahoo is up to before anyone else does !
Yeesh ! Americans !
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